Eyal Weiss
Postdoctoral scholar
Computer Science Department, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Taub Building, room 744, Technion, Haifa 3200003, Israel
Welcome to my humble digital space
I am a postdoc at the Computational Robotics Lab (CRL) lead by Prof. Oren Salzman, in the CS department at the Technion. My current research spans Search, AI Planning, Motion Planning for robotics, and Discrete Combinatorial Optimization.
Prior to joing the CRL I had the privilege to conduct my PhD under the supervision of Prof. Gal A. Kaminka, affiliated with the MAVERICK research group, in the CS department at BIU. My research was, and partially still is, devoted to generalizing automated planning with dynamically estimated action models, where we combined tools from AI planning, graph theory and combinatorial optimization, to endow agents with enhanced planning capabilities in challenging (non-classical) setups. Check out our recent papers for a deeper view on the topic:
Tightest Admissible Shortest Path (ICAPS, 2024)
A Generalization of the Shortest Path Problem to Graphs with Multiple Edge-Cost Estimates (ECAI, 2023)
Planning with Multiple Action-Cost Estimates (ICAPS, 2023)
Position Paper: Online Modeling for Offline Planning (RDDPS Workshop, 2022)
Previously, I earned my BSc and MSc in Electrical Engineering at Tel Aviv University, where I was fortunate to work with Prof. Michael Margaliot, in the EE school at TAU, on problems in the fields of control theory and dynamical systems.
My complete CV can be found here.
How to find me on The Web:
Recent and upcoming talks:
AAAI 2025, main track (March, Philadelphia): PDBs Go Numeric: Pattern-Database Heuristics for Simple Numeric Planning
Invited talk at CRL, Technion (June, Haifa) [slides]: Online Estimation of Edge Costs in Generalized Shortest-Path Problems: Extending Graph Definitions, Optimization Problems and Search Algorithms
ICAPS 2024, HSDIP Workshop (June, Banff): PDBs Go Numeric: Pattern-Database Heuristics for Simple Numeric Planning
ICAPS 2024, main track (June, Banff) [slides]: Tightest Admissible Shortest Path
ECAI 2023, main track (October, Krakow) [slides, poster]: A Generalization of the Shortest Path Problem to Graphs with Multiple Edge-Cost Estimates
SoCS 2023, Doctoral Consortium (July, Prague) [slides, poster]: A Generalization of the Shortest Path Problem to Graphs with Multiple Edge-Cost Estimates
ICAPS 2023, main track (July, Prague) [slides]: Planning with Multiple Action-Cost Estimates
ICAPS 2023, RDDPS Workshop (July, Prague) [slides]: A Generalization of the Shortest Path Problem to Graphs with Multiple Edge-Cost Estimates
ADAMS Conference 2023 (February, Jerusalem) [slides]: Current PhD lines of work
BISFAI 2023 (February, Ramat Gan) [slides, poster]: Current PhD lines of work
ICAPS 2022, RDDPS Workshop (June, virtual) [slides, video]: Planning with Dynamically Estimated Action Costs
ICAPS 2022, RDDPS Workshop (June, virtual) [slides, video]: Online Modeling for Offline Planning
ICAPS 2022, Doctoral Consortium (June, virtual) [slides, video, poster]: A Generalization of Automated Planning Using Dynamically Estimated Action Models
IAAI 2022 (June, Haifa) [slides]: Planning with Dynamically Estimated Action Costs
Bar-Ilan CS graduate student meeting 2022 (May, Ramat Gan) [slides]: Concise introduction to my research & guidance for new MSc/PhD students
ADAMS Conference 2022 (May, Jerusalem) [poster]: Planning with Dynamically Estimated Action Costs
To put our algorithms to test we implemented PlanDEM, a domain-independent planner that works with dynamically estimated action models. This is an active open source project, that gets major updates once every few months. Contact me for questions or requests.
Research Results:
I am a strong proponent of open access research. In my opinion, scientists should make every effort to make their research openly available online, to facilitate rapid and easy exchange of ideas, especially when the research is conducted in publicly funded institutes. For this reason, all my articles are either available through open access publication platforms, such as AAAI Publications, or when officially published in closed access platforms, open access is possible through arXiv. All versions are accessible through my Google Scholar page.