A Year After Domínguez, Harvard Refuses to Address Demands for an External Review.

On February 27, 2018, The Chronicle of Higher Education published a detailed account of nearly four decades of sexual harassment allegations against Harvard Government Professor Jorge I. Domínguez.

In the year since, survivors, students, and faculty have repeatedly asked the Harvard administration to launch an independent external review into the institutional and cultural factors that made Domínguez's actions possible. So far, Harvard has refused to publicly acknowledge these demands. As a result, there has been little concrete progress toward understanding and preventing sexual harassment and gender-based discrimination at Harvard.

To mark the one-year anniversary of the Chronicle article, we look back at the aftermath of the Domínguez revelations and the ongoing push for an external review. Scroll down to view an interactive timeline of events (or click here for a mobile-friendly version). For a timeline of the accusations against Domínguez, click here.

At 2:00pm on Wednesday, February 27, 2019, Government students will hold a rally for the external review outside of Massachusetts Hall in Harvard Yard. Government students will also be wearing black throughout the day in solidarity with victims of sexual harassment at Harvard and beyond. All members of the Harvard community are welcome to participate.

Explore the interactive timeline below. Or, if you're on a phone or tablet, click here.

Monday, February 25, 2019The External Review Working Group of the Harvard Government Graduate Student Association