Mywifiext - not working?

Check the colour of the lights on the router, modem or extender, if it's amber or white/ green.

If it's green or white, the router is functioning fine, then you would like to see together with your internet service provider, if your internet is down from their end.

If your ISP says internet is functioning from their end, Please pack up your router for 30 seconds then turn it back on.

This must fix your device.

The most important steps, while working with networking devices such as routers, modems, extenders, orbi, & modem-routers is “POWER CYCLE”

Steps to Powercycle your

  1. Unplug all the ethernet cables connecting your modems to routers.

  2. Shut Down your modem and wait for 2 minutes.

  3. After 2 minutes, Power-on your modem and wait till all the lights are back on.

  4. Once all the lights are back on your modem, Power-on your router.

  5. Wait for 2 minutes, after turning on the router till the lights are back on the router.

  6. After 2 minutes, connect the ethernet cables.

  7. The power cycle is complete, you can try setting up your device.

How to reset your networking device?

Steps to reset your networking devices on www mywifiext net.

  1. Take a PIN/ Paperclip, Insert in the reset pin hole at the back or on the left side of your networking device depending upon the type of networking device, you’re trying to reset.

  2. Press it and hold it for 1 minute while your networking device is plugged into the power.

  3. After 1 minute, release the reset button. Wait for your device to power up.

  4. Once your networking device is back on, it’ll be back to it’s original factory settings.

  5. Now, you can setup your device again by www mywifiext net.

How to shock reset your networking device

Steps to reset your networking devices.

  1. Take a PIN/ Paperclip, Insert in the reset pin hole at the back or on the left side of your networking device depending upon the type of networking device, you’re trying to reset for 30 seconds.

  2. After 30 seconds, unplug your networking device from the power, witour releasing the reset button.

  3. After next 30 seconds, reconnect the device to power and wait for next 30 seconds.

  4. You’ve successfully reset your networking device.

  5. You can now setup your device again by www Mywifiext net

Networking Devices




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