Welcome to Explore Hardin County!

Your all-inclusive guide to convenient, resourceful community businesses serving YOU.

Supporting small businesses by shopping locally builds relationships, improves the community, keeps money local.

We are dedicated to providing you with local, ethical options to buy from.

“Going local does not mean walling off the outside world.

It means nurturing locally owned businesses that use local resources sustainably, employ local workers at decent wages, and serve primarily local consumers.

It means becoming more self-sufficient and less dependant on imports. Control moves from the boardrooms of distant corporations and back into the community where it belongs.” – Michael H. Shuman

Don’t Like Putting On Pants?

In that case, we are soulmates!

Let’s play the long game.

Shopping online is convenient at the moment. Sites like Amazon appear to be quick and simple because you can save time and mindlessly get anything you need in one spot.

Here’s the thing, those purchases are a one-time benefit to you. All you gain is the item you purchased.

When you shop locally, you support businesses owned by your friends and neighbors; people with a vested interest in the well-being of your community. The long term benefits of buying local are incredible!

Source and Location: The Blue Rose Boutique

When you like, share, and buy from local businesses, you are increasing their exposure, sales, connections, and more! You create a better environment for your friends, family, and future generations by keeping your money within your community.

Source and Location: DenizenPhotographer: Elaina Janes Photography

When You Shop Local, You Create...

  • Diverse job opportunities

  • Livable wages

  • Effective tax dollars (increasing the quality of school systems, community resources, streets, buildings, and features around town)

Source and Location: Denizen
Source and Location: Papi's Tacos and More

It has never been easier to shop local and help your community grow and thrive. Your purchases become impactful and go beyond a large corporation’s budget that only grows their own interests.

From cake to couches, all of your purchases have purpose and power within your neighborhood. You become a hero all because you put in a little extra effort and possibly some pants.

Look at you improving our future with that cup of coffee and tacos! You are a natural.

Supporting Local Business Made Easy

We formed Explore Hardin County to accelerate the benefits of patronizing our local entrepreneurs.

Source: @ShopDenizen//Photography: @ElainaJanes//Location: @VibeCoffeeShop
Source: Denizen Photography: Elaina Janes Photography Location: Vibe Coffee Shop

We bring exposure to the options in your own backyard! Here, we share a plethora of local entrepreneurs offering any and everything you can think of.

We are a community-led nonprofit designed to help you choose how you will support and grow the community that is ready to support and love you back!