Margaret Harrison

Margaret Harrison

1st Chancellor of Valkyria

Served from 2016 to 2019

A member of the Labor Party, Margaret Harrison has spent most of her life committed to the political realm. When she was a teenager in high school, she joined Young Labor and worked as an intern on local Labor campaigns in Darwin. In 2000, Harrison made her greatest political contribution yet by working on the presidential campaign of Patrick Beckley, a social democrat who was the party's best chance at winning an election that had only been won by Conservatives since 1980.

In 2005, Harrison was elected by her hometown of Darwin to serve as mayor. In this capacity, she worked to reform a city and a government where crime and corruption was rampant. Her agenda in this regard was twofold: increasing the education and social budgets and biannual audits of the municipal government. As the mayor of Darwin, her hometown experienced GDP growth, increased employment and wages, improved enrollment in higher education, and a reduction in the local crime rate.

Because of her performance as mayor, Harrison was elected as a member of the Qvaitican House of Representatives in 2012. Now serving her hometown from Stockholm, Harrison worked with the Conservative majority and then-President Victor Cutter to introduce legislation that would address corruption at the national level. In spite of her devotion to the principles of social democracy, Harrison worked with Cutter and his allies of centrist democrats to pass legislation they they both agreed on.

In 2015, Harrison announced her candidacy for President of Qvait, seeking to expand on the social democratic reforms that were implemented by President Beckley. Earning nearly sixty per cent of the vote, Harrison won the general election to become president in 2016. That year, Harrison worked with Vice President Julia Burns and Secretary of State Avianna Aldridge to accomplish what so many leaders before them had only dreamed of doing — the unification of Qvait and Winston Island.

After this historic accomplishment, a referendum was held and the people of both countries voted to name Harrison as the first Chancellor of this new united country that would come to be known as Valkyria. With this mandate, Harrison continued building on her domestic agenda, which was corruption reform and passing social democratic legislation that expanded healthcare, provided assistance to the homeless, decriminalised drugs, and legalised physician-assisted suicide.

However, domestic policy was not the only contingent of Harrison's agenda. She was also an avowed internationalist who sought to promote the principles of peace, freedom, and democracy across the South Pacific and the world. In order to accomplish this, Harrison worked to build the institutional framework for global integration. Working with Avianna Aldridge, who was now serving as Foreign Secretary, they played a major role in the founding of the World Forum, contributing greatly to the drafting of its Charter.

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