Exclusion to Inclusion Aotearoa NZ 2022

Supporting all students to be included in Education 

A resource keke for educators and decision makers

Digital Presentation

This digital presentation shares individual's voices of the trauma associated with exclusion.  It discusses behaviour using a Neuroscience lens, and identifies Trauma Informed Approach strategies that educators can use to support inclusion. This presentation can be used as a reflective tool by individuals, schools, Boards of Trustees, and people who work with tamariki and rangatahi.

Short Films

Voices of Exclusion

In this short clip, tamariki, whānau and kaiako share their voice on the impact exclusions have on wellbeing and belonging. 

An Unheard story

This clip tells the story of one whānau's experience of the exclusion process and the impact it had for all involved. They share considerations for kaimahi when considering an exclusion.

Supporting RESOURCES


Summary of strategies shared during the digital presentation. Print as a 2 sided document.

Exclusion to Inclusion - pamphlet (1).pdf

Study Guide

A downloadable resource to support the facilitation of professional development in your context. This resource supports the recording of key ideas.

Exclusion to inclusion - presentation resource.pdf

LINKS - supporting all students to be included

Neuroscience and Trauma Informed Practice.

Resources to get you started

Self Review ( Gathering our information to inform our next steps)

The Wellbeing@School Toolkit  (W@S) is a free self-review resource for schools that supports a whole school approach to examining the factors that promote a safe, positive learning climate.

Case Studies (Gaining knowledge)


Staff Professional Development ( Diving deeper and thinking of our own context)

Teaching/Learning Resources

Please let us know of any other links that you would recommend to be added to this compilation of resources. 

This page has been compiled by Cluster 34 RTLBs, Cath Barrie, Irene Cronan & Paulette Newton 2022
