The file contains non-standard encoding and may not be processed correctly. If the conversion contains errors, you can change the Advanced text recovery setting in conversion to improve the output quality..

The Advanced text recovery settings can be found under File > Preferences > Conversion > Advanced text recovery. 

There are three options there that you can try (All text, Just problem text, Don't fix problem text) and see if it makes a difference.

Excel File Conversion For Gr 1.2 Download


If all the options did not work, the document may have certain coding elements that are not supported on the target format. 

Try to reprint the PDF document using Nitro PDF Creator then once done, try to convert it again to Excel.

2021 Nitro Software, Inc. All rights reserved. Nitro, the Nitro logo, Nitro Pro, and Nitro Sign are trademarks and/or registered trademarks, of Nitro Software, Inc. or its affiliates in the United States and/or other countries.

I understand that I can place the apostrophe in the beginning of each value but I would be much happier if I would need to place that apostrophe in case I want that Excel would convert my number or my text.

So my question is that is there any ways I could disable this conversion feature for the whole application permanently and not only for certain cells for certain work sessions?

uploaded 2 excel files and got error message of "conversion failed" on excel online free app. I have not had this problem before when using these files on other computers. This is the first time I am using the free online version with a new computer. What can I do so they are converted?

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The Excel CONVERT Function[1] is an Excel Engineering Function. The function is useful for conversion of units from one measurement system to another measurement system. For example, CONVERT will help us to convert pounds to kilograms, feet to centimeters, or Fahrenheit to Celsius. Learn Excel unit conversion in this guide.

Gain unlimited access to more than 250 productivity Templates, CFI's full course catalog and accredited Certification Programs, hundreds of resources, expert reviews and support, the chance to work with real-world finance and research tools, and more.

I am consistently encountering the following error when converting from PDF to Word - "File conversion has failed due to invalid content that could not be read" and when converting from PDF to Excel - "File conversion has failed due to an internal error:.

I asked because after checking my resources, MS Office 2010 is no longer supported therefore no fixes or tests will be conducted to address any issues with how Nitro Pro 11 is processing documents from Office 2010. You may want to check Technical Specifications Nitro Pro 11 in this article:


If you have newer versions of MS Office and you're still experiencing the same errors, please send us few sample files (with sensitive information extracted) so I can replicate it on my end. To send me the sample file, hover your mouse on top of my name 'AllainU' and select 'Message'.

I recommend that you repair your Nitro Pro (via Start or Windows button > Control Panel > Programs and Features > Uninstall a Program if you have Windows 7, 8 or 8.1). Please reboot your computer before and after running this repair to ensure that there are no ties to Nitro still active in the background. You may refer to this article:

Also, what build of Nitro Pro are you working with? You can find this out by clicking on 'About Nitro Pro' under the Help tab (format is 12.X.X.X, e.g. or you can go to Control Panel > Programs and Features.

Hello. I recently started having problem with file conversion from Excel to Numbers and back. When I download Excel file I get funny numbers/values distorted. Recently I converted file from Numbers to Excel and person ont he other side couldn't open it on their Microsoft pc.

Hi. I received an Excel file which is a price list on several sheets for different products. I did receive similar document from another sender before and I could save it no problem. When I open the file I see strange numbers. See below snapshot. I donated collaborate often but I do use Excel occasionally to convert files to or receive on my end. I don't see a huge need of buying Excel. So as you can see in cells where there ar supposed to be real numbers I get huge percentage values.

If you are collaborating with people who use Excel and frequently send documents back and forth then you will probably be a lot happier using Excel, which runs well on the Mac. If, on the other hand, you only occasionally need to share data, and don't need full compatibility, then Numbers will do the job.

Hi Ian. Please see below issues with file conversion from Excel to Numbers. In the cells there are supposed to be numbers/values for example 1350. Instead I get 19000,0 %. When I converted to Excel yesterday I Dion't know what was the error message. They only said file could not be opened. Thank you! | An Acrobat PDF and a spreadsheet with arrows showing how you can convert PDF to Excel online | A download arrow with a cloud showing how you can download and share converted Excel files | A desktop with an Acrobat PDF and a mobile device showing how you can convert PDFs to Excel on any device

As the inventor of the PDF file format, Adobe makes sure that the Acrobat PDF to Excel converter tool creates a high-quality file you can work with on Mac or Windows. The Acrobat functionality transfers your PDF data and content right into an editable Excel spreadsheet, where you can edit the rows and columns.

You can also try Adobe Acrobat Pro for free for seven days to convert images like PNG files, edit PDFs with optical character recognition (OCR technology), add annotations, split PDFs, reduce file sizes, convert Microsoft 365 files to PDF, and export PDFs to Microsoft Word documents and PowerPoint presentations.

Can someone please tell me the easiet way to convert excel to csv format in workato what I would avoid is renaming the file using on-prem or SFTP server, however any direct file renaming works which can be hosted in workato. Or any other potential solution will help.

@gary1, thank you for calling out that the link from that product hub page isn't working. As you said, the link may have been removed if the recipe changed or was no longer working. I will bring it to our team's attention.

I have two sheets that I am trying to import and work with in JMP and they present different issues. 

Both sheets contain dates written as: dd/mm/yyyy and values using "," as a decimal separator. 

One sheet reads the dates just fine, and they are categorized with the correct format and data type. The other is read as text and categorical. 

JMP 16 also cannot handle imports with the , - decimal separator, despite it working fine in JMP 14.

In this thread it was recommended to change data type manually: How do I import data from excel? - JMP User Community

This doesn't immediately work as JMP 16 simply converts all cells to NAN - additionally when there are many results columns this would be quite tedious.

Changing preferences marked JMP 16 preferences > Widows Specific > Use JMP Language rather than system settings for number, date and currency formats. 

Allows me to use . instead of , as separator - but I need to be able to import data using the , - decimal separator. 

Does anyone know how to solve this problem?

You could import all of the data as character and then use JMP formulas to convert data to the correct type. I will sometimes use the Scripting Tools add-in for this by selecting a bunch of columns that were imported with the comma format (or even cases where there is a mix of '.' and ','), selecting Custom Transformation from the Cols menu, and then use this formula to transform all columns:

it works a little bit differently, but of course you can "translate" to Alteryx. In general, you can calculate the sum using the Summarize tool,

join the sum to the original data and use a Formula tool to apply the conditions. You use two different formulas with different row ranges

in the arrays, so you'l have to filter the rows to use.

btw, in connection with the file that i share. would you also help me on this - i will create formula between a string and a date. when i use a formula it can calculate since in the conditions are string and date are involved.

There is a function available to subtract days from a specific date. As the result field may also contain a string (Check CR/DR), a bit of conversion is needed. See attached workflow,hope it returns the result you expect. 152ee80cbc

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