Stay Up to Date with the Exam Pattern of GATE Exam 2018

The Indian Institute of Technology or IIT Guwahati has already published the exam pattern for GATE 2018 online. From that suggestion, the candidates will have a clear idea about the type of questions, sections, marking scheme, number of questions and all the other things. The exam pattern will help them to prepare better and to make different strategy according to requirements of sections. Generally, there are two types of questions; Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and Numerical Answer Type (NAT). This computer based exam will have 65 questions which the candidates have to answer within 3 hours. There will be no option for Pena and Paper mode. Each candidate will be provided a separate computer with random questions on the screen. They have to select the right answer by mouse for the MCQ questions and for the NAT questions, they need to enter the answer from the keyboard. There will be 23 papers for the exam and every candidate is allowed to apply for only one paper for GATE exam.

Exam Pattern for Graduate Aptitude Test for Engineering:

· Question Type: There will be two types of questions; Multiple Choice Questions (MCQs) and Numerical Answer (NAT) Type.

· Exam Duration: The total time each candidate will get is 3 hours or 180 minutes.

· Number of questions: Total number of questions will be 65 consisting of MCQs and NATs.

· Total Marks: The total marks will be 100 for all 65 questions

· Marking Scheme: For every MCQ question of 1 mark, 1/3 mark will be deducted for the wrong answer. And for every MCQ question of 2 marks, 2/3 mark will be deducted for the wrong answer. There will be no point for the non-attempt question. No negative marking is there for NAT questions.

· Section: There will be 3 sections in the GATE exam; General Aptitude, Engineering Mathematics (for XL candidates, it will be Chemistry) and Subject-wise section. General Aptitude and Engineering Mathematics (except XL) will be mandatory for all.

General Aptitude: The GA section will have 5 questions of 1 mark and 5 questions for 2 marks, for a total of 15 marks.