Tropical Moduli Spaces

The EWM/EMS Mittag Leffler summer school on Tropical Moduli spaces will take place virtually at the Institut Mittag Leffler 28 June - 2 July, 2021 (exactly one year later than originally planned).

The school will consist of three main lectures with accompanying exercise sessions, plus professional development sessions, and opportunities for participants to network and advertise their research.

Core activities will take place from 14:00-17:00 CEST (Sweden time) every day. The IML page for this conference is here. There is an accompanying Slack group for the school; details will be sent to registered participants.

Lecture Series

Melody Chan (Brown) Tropical moduli spaces and the cohomology of M_g

Margarida Melo (Roma Tre) Compactifications vs tropicalizations of moduli spaces

Enrica Mazzon (MPIM Bonn) Introduction to dual complexes. Problem sheet.

Colloquium Talk

Alicia Dickenstein (Buenos Aires) Tropicalization of rational varieties via curve valuations


All times are CEST (Sweden time). 14:00 CEST = 13:00 BST (London) = 8:00 EDT (New York)


Applications are invited from advanced PhD students and postdocs. This school is cosponsored by the EWM, and applications from women and non-binary mathematicians are strongly encouraged. A revised application form for 2021 is here.


Diane Maclagan (Warwick)

Hannah Markwig (Tübingen)