Chiropractor Schaumburg IL


The Office of chiropractors Dr. Stephanie Schroeder, D.C., Dr. Nick Deignan, D.C., and Dr. Mariah Mansperger, D.C. – trusted resources for wellness in the Schaumburg IL community.

Our team uses safe, evidence-based Chiropractic techniques, along with modern technology, to help you get rid of headaches, neck pain, back pain and muscular tension. We also help with a host of other conditions such as sciatica, herniated discs, chronic pain and car accident injuries.


Chiropractic and Illinois native, Dr. Stephanie Schroeder has benefited both personally and professionally from the benefits chiropractic care has to offer.

When she was only nine years old, Dr. Schroeder injured her shoulder and became a patient of chiropractic. After experiencing relief from pain and recovering from her injury, she continued care into her adulthood and eventually decided to pursue chiropractic as her career so she could help others find relief.

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Dr. Nick Deignan received his Bachelor of Science from Illinois State University then his Doctor of Chiropractic from Life University where he was a member of the 2008 National Championship Rugby team. 

Dr. Deignan has worked extensively with athletes, helping them optimize their health and performance, as well as providing care for entire families with patients from all walks of life. With a mission to educate patients on what it means to be truly healthy, he works constantly to serve the community through excellent chiropractic care.

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Patients in Schaumburg, IL come to us for all kinds of reasons – from back pain relief to neck pain relief, headaches, tension, injuries, auto accidents like whiplash and more.

We help patients using a variety of evidence-based chiropractic techniques – including spinal manipulations, massage therapy and personalized home care routines. 

By keeping the spine aligned and making sure the nerves traveling from the spine to the rest of the body aren’t blocked in any way, we are able to help our patients optimize their health and well-being.


You can reduce your back pain and restore the quality of your life with chiropractic care at Evolve Chiropractic of Schaumburg, IL.


We offer advanced chiropractic relief care plans to help you manage the back pain. We use natural, evidence-based techniques and strive for a holistic approach to help you avoid using medications or invasive surgical procedures to treat your back pain.


Click to learn more about how chiropractic helps with back pain.


Neck pain can have a serious impact on someone’s life. For some people, neck pain only lasts a few days or weeks and then the symptoms go away. For others, it is a challenging, long-term issue that requires care.


If you have been experiencing neck pain an extended period of time, give Evolve Chiropractic of St. Charles a call. We can help lessen your pain, improve your range of motion and find out the core issues that started your back pain problems in the first place.


There are 3 main types of headaches we see our patients suffer from when they first come to our St. Charles office:


Tension Headaches:

Tension headaches are very common and often result from prolonged tension in the shoulders, head and neck. While many people choose to treat these with medications, we prefer to show our patients how to resolve the muscular tension that originally caused the issue.



Migraines are not only painful but can also include other symptoms like nausea and dizziness. By making the proper spinal adjustments, incorporating massage and providing self-care techniques, we’ve seen many patients reduce or eliminate their migraines.


Cluster Headaches:

These can be extremely painful and are often characterized by one-sided pain. When misalignment of the spine is the cause of these headaches, chiropractic adjustments can be an effective form of care.


Luckily for our patients, we have seen many of them experience massive change within a short time of receiving care at our office. Many times, headaches are being caused by a misalignment of the spine and we able to help patients see results through gentle, spinal adjustments.


Sciatica is a condition where the sciatic nerve, which runs down the legs from the lower back, becomes irritated or compressed.


People suffering from Sciatica know the pain – which manifests in the lower back, hips, buttocks and legs – can be very intense and hard to manage. This causes many people to turn to pain medications for relief.


Fortunately, there are other options and we have seen many of our patients lessen or completely eliminate their sciatica without using medications.


SoftWave Therapy is an exciting, breakthrough option in the field of regenerative medicine. This treatment is clinically proven, nationally recognized and FDA cleared with a high success rate in clinical studies.

Soft Wave Therapy is a trusted and effective alternative for patients looking to avoid invasive procedures and it is now being offered at our Schaumburg office.

Commonly treated conditions include: neck and back pain, shoulder tendinopathies, bone on bone discomfort in the knees/shoulders/hips/discs, tennis elbow, plantar fasciitis, neuropathies, carpal tunnel and more.


What Is Chiropractic Care?

Our Schaumburg, IL chiropractors focus on the identification, management, and prevention of musculoskeletal conditions, specifically those associated with the spine.

In chiropractic care, our Evolve team uses multiple tools (like spinal adjustments, soft tissue manipulation and personalized self-care routines) to help realing the spine and ensure the nerves moving out from the spine are unrestricted.

Do You Accept Insurance (Including Medicare and Medicaid)?

Evolve Chiropractic works with all major insurance providers and we accept Medicare. Unfortunately, Medicaid does not cover chiropractic visits.

On your first visit, we will look over your insurance plan and let you know exactly what it does (or doesn’t) cover.

For the many individuals who don’t have (or prefer not to use) insurance benefits, Evolve Chiropractic also offers very affordable cash rates.

Will Chiropractic Work for Me?

This is the biggest question on most people’s minds when considering chiropractic care.

We all know that, in healthcare, there are no guarantees. However, we can confidently say that we’ve seen thousands of patients come through our  Evolve Chiropractic offices and receive care that has made a substantial impact on their health complaints and overall quality of life.

We only use modern, safe and evidence-based techniques. Our doctors also work personally with our patients to help them meet their individual health goals so you can be assured there is no ‘cookie-cutter’ care.

This doctor-patient dynamic has created a significant track record of success that drives positive results.

What Conditions and Complaints Benefit from Chiropractic Visits?

Most people only associate chiropractic with Back Pain, Neck Pain and Headaches. However, chiropractic care can help with many other challenging spine issues like Herniated Discs, Degenerative Disc Disease (DDD), Spondylosis, Spinal Osteoarthritis, Spinal Stenosis and more. 

Chiropractic can also be effective for many other conditions like Sciatica, Healing from Sports Injuries, Injuries from Accidents, Chronic Ear Infections, Chronic Pain and Range of Motion issues.

The entire body is connected by a network of nerves running from the spinal cord so keeping those connections working smoothly can have a profound effect on the entire body.

Do You Offer Massage Therapy in Your Huntley Location?

Yes! Many of our Huntley patients also take advantage of our licensed massage therapists. Our doctors and massage therapists work in coordination together to maximize the benefits you receive from your visits.