Lost in Conversion: Exploit Data Structure Conversion with Attribute Loss to Break Android Systems


This website is prepared for the USENIX Security'23 paper: Lost in Conversion: Exploit Data Structure Conversion with Attribute Loss to Break Android Systems.

Rui Li, Wenrui Diao (✉️), Shishuai Yang, Xiangyu Liu, Shanqing Guo, and Kehuan Zhang. Lost in Conversion: Exploit Data Structure Conversion with Attribute Loss to Break Android Systems. The 32nd USENIX Security Symposium, Anaheim, CA, USA. August 9-1, 2023. 


Vul#1: Break Permission Protection Levels

In this demo, the PoC app obtains the CALL_PHONE permission (dangerous system permission) without user consent once being installed.

The adversary exploits twin permissions with the same name but different protection levels (dangerous v.s. signature|development) and groups (PHONE v.s. not set).

Responsible Disclosure: Confirmed by Google. Fixed.

Android-ID-209607944: High Severity.

CVE ID: CVE-2021-39695


Vul#2: Break Permission-Group Mapping 

In this demo, the PoC app obtains the CALL_PHONE (dangerous system permission) permission without user consent after being updated.

The adversary exploits twin permissions with the same name but different groups (STORAGE v.s. PHONE).

Responsible Disclosure: Confirmed by Google. Fixed.

Android-ID-213323615: High Severity.

CVE ID: CVE-2022-20392


Vul#3: Break Permission Registration Status

In this demo, the permission registration information remains in the system even if the original permission declaration is removed through updating the PoC app. Further, the PoC app still keeps the original permission granting status, and the victim app cannot be installed.

The adversary exploits the permission tree and the permission with the same name (this permission tree and this permission are twins).

Responsible Disclosure: Confirmed by Google.

Android-ID-227340775: Low Severity.


Vul#4: Break Permission Granting Status

In this demo, the PoC app obtains the CALL_PHONE permission (dangerous system permission) without user consent.

The adversary exploits the permission tree and the permission with the same name (this permission tree and this permission are twins).

Responsible Disclosure: Confirmed by Google.

Android-ID-225880325: Moderate  Severity.

CVE ID: CVE-2023-20971

Google Comment: "We applied a -1 modifier due to this vulnerability requiring non-trivial and unlikely user actions."