Many forum-goers maintain that the rules do not state that it must be loud or, for that matter, even audible. I do not disagree that the rules do not provide specific clarification, however, let's look at what we do know:

PRD wrote:Cackle (Su): A witch can cackle madly as a move action. Any creature that is within 30 feet that is under the effects of an agony hex, charm hex, evil eye hex, fortune hex, or misfortune hex caused by the witch has the duration of that hex extended by 1 provides the following definitions:

So, since laughing in a shrill, broken manner insanely or wildly should be at least as loud as a typical conversation, and certainly no louder than a battle, it stands to reason that the Perception DC to hear a witch using the Cackle hex (before adjustments like distance or obstacles) would fall somewhere between -10 and 0.

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Here are some thoughts though (and nothing more). It's pretty obviously based on the classic trope (stereotype?) of the madly cackling witch, and we all know what that sounds like: it's an unrestrained, easily-heard, high-pitched laugh of "I'm so diabolical it tickles".

This. Calling that "flavor" should be considered the house-rule. Now, is Jiggy's witch's chanting instead of laughing like an idiot abusing rules by reskinning? I don't think so. Is AD's witch abusing the rules by asserting that RAW doesn't say "it's required to be loud?" Not if his GM is cool with it.Players should not assume that their GMs will even let them reflavor abilities, but, with some discussion, neither should GMs disallow reasonable requests. If a GM wants to be strict, let's say for PFS, he certainly can rule that cackling madly is loud.

If it did face these constraints, it would be terribly easy to foil just by blocking your ears (there's a reason most effects that require the foe to hear it are resolved instantaneously or quickly, rather than an ongoing sound effect like cackle). And it would basically be impossible to use cackle to extend the extremely short duration of the Charm hex in any sort of social situation.

What makes sense for a voodoo witch to "cackle"? Well, in our world, a houngan or a mambo (voudoun priest/ess) is possessed, at least part of the time. They would do the weird stuff that their lwa makes them do - speak in a strange voice, laugh (for Baron Cimetiere), crack dirty jokes, drink alcohol, dance, sing, climb trees, crawl on the ground, etc. All these would either be more or equally distracting to maintain as a constant thing as cackling. AUC.register('auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay'); AjaxBusy.register('masked', 'busy', 'auc_MessageboardPostRowDisplay', null, null) Abyssian Jan 3, 2013, 04:09 pm 1 person marked this as a favorite. StreamOfTheSky wrote: Cackle can be at any volume you want within the witch's vocal range. It does not require anyone to hear it for it to work, merely the act of doing it. And it does not specify any sort of loudness at all nor a listen DC to hear cackling.

I personally like that flavor for my barbarians more often too. I feel like running around screaming does not make for a very badass character, it just makes them look entirely idiotic. And my barbs don't generally dump int or wis that much :PAs for cackling quietly and madly at the same time, I don't see why that's so difficult. If someone's just laughing to themself, they don't need to be particularly loud, but it can still sound insane for the few people close enough to hear it. It'd basically be like laughing under your breath sorta.

That said, changing flavor should never really change game mechanics, imo. Hell, if a witch doesn't want to even crack a smile when they use their cackle ability that's fine, but if the GM thinks the original would alert people with sound, then so should this. If nothing else, you could say, despite a lack of sound, the magic of the ability alerts people (again, depending on whether the GM thinks the original would do so as well).

Yeaaaah, if I were on such an island, I'd start hearing things after a few days too...On a more serious note, I've heard laughing and growling at night. Wasn't like the growling you hear from the hounds either, sounded quite different.

The swamp monsters actually have their own laugh which remind me of that weird plantlike thing that is in the dirty waters surounding Grunty Industries in Banjo Tooie,and it sounds different than the laugh during night,which is slower and a crapton creepier....Camp at a dug up grave during night,and crank your volume up....

I usually hear the laugh when I go wandering at night with my miner's cap on. The ambiance volume kicks up quite a lot when closer to the darkness. I would definitely say it's Maxwell. It sounds like an older male enjoying himself too much. The laugh I hear is just a quick "a-ha-ha". Almost like a quick cackle. Sometimes I hear a little more "ha"s but usually it's pretty quick. Kinda freaks me out cuz I just expect a raving murderous maniac to jump out of the shadows and rip my face off or something to that effect.

Never heard any audio clip that resembles a laugh but the slow deep one playing in swamps at night. (and day?) I'm sure that the "swamp laugh" are supposed to be frog noises or something though. And I don't mean that the actual frog enemies are making the sound, just that the atmospheric background noise are supposed to be frogs or other creatures.

Not really a manic laugh, but my least favorite sound in the game is the ambience that plays when standing on checkerboard or carpet turf. Unfortunately, I like using it in my bases. Took me forever to figure out what was causing that awful, hollow murmuring. 006ab0faaa

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