While I\u2019d never bet that this dessert will out-popular things like this sticky apple cake, for my dessert pleasure center (a made up thing that feels good to say), it\u2019s going to be a giant bowl of pudding every time. In the video I assemble things a little differently than I instruct in the recipe because, well, I am a human woman who makes mistakes and cooks with her instincts, ignoring even her own rules. But what I learned in the process: It doesn\u2019t matter, it\u2019s all going to the same place, who cares, etc. After ending up with a hilarious amount of pudding, I also want to mention you can halve the recipe so you don\u2019t end up with pudding for 20 people, but honestly, pudding for 20 people means you could share/bring to a friend or simply eat pudding 20 times. Your call! And! If you \u201Cdon\u2019t like bananas\u201D please: remember this is a pudding layered with bananas and the pudding itself is simply vanilla flavored, so leave them out for all I care, replace them with a berry or whatever, that\u2019s FINE. My feelings are NOT HURT.

But seriously, this day was just plain fun. My kids were sososososo so excited to cook together with Auntie Pureza, one of the house moms. Like, the cutest kind of excited where they ask about it every day and suggest that we try cooking lechon baboy (um, a whole roasted pig?) next time. It was such a big deal to them that when Auntie Pureza asked for volunteers to do things like throw the banana peels in the garbage, every hand in the room would be bouncing up in the air. I reallysupermiss those happy, fun-loving kiddos.

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The very best way to store banana bread is to wrap it with plastic wrap and store it in a Ziploc storage bag right on your kitchen counter. At room temperature, the bread will remain moist and taste very similar to the day that you baked it. Make sure you remove as much of the excess air from the storage bag every time you open it.

I tried your banana bread recipe today and it is very good and I messed up I thought my measuring cup said one half and it was a two thirds cup oh well I had used it for all my measurements so everything came out fine.Thank you very much for the recipe I am putting it in my recipe file to use again my only thing I added was a teaspoon of cinnamon.i always add cinnamon to my banana bread.Thanks again Colleen Becker.

Hi, this recipe truly is the most amazing banana bread recipe ever. It is simple and delicious. I tried out this recipe on my blog and it was a hit with everyone at home. It made for a good teatime treat!

I made this dessert for a meals-on-wheels treat in individual jars. Because I had several diabetics, I substituted sugar free for every option that I could. Also, needing these to travel well, and last, I substituted sugar free banana pudding instead of the fresh bananas and sugar free strawberry ice cream topping. The result was very similar and worked well for my needs. Delicious!

Cooking banana bread is not the only thing that reflects the redemption story, but it is one of my favorites. My hope is that we would all see the good news of what Jesus Christ did for us in our daily lives and even in the little things. And that remembering it would cause us to repent and rejoice in the gift of salvation He offers us. My banana bread metaphor may be silly, but the gospel is not and it changes everything!

Most of all, one has to become interested in the actual lives-and thoughts-of complicatedly diverse women. One need not necessarily admire every woman whose life one finds interesting. Feminist attentiveness to all sorts of women is not derived from hero worship. Some women, of course, will turn out to be insightful, innovative, and even courageous. Upon closer examination, other women will prove to be complicit, intolerant, or self-serving. The motivation to take all women's lives seriously lies deeper than admiration. Asking "Where are the women?" is motivated by a determination to discover exactly how this world works. One's feminist-informed digging is fueled by a desire to reveal the ideas, relationships, and policies those (usually unequal) gendered workings rely upon.

The woman tourist and the chambermaid; the schoolteacher and her students; the film star, her studio owners, the banana company executives, the American housewife, and contemporary YouTube enthusiasts; the male soldier, the brothel owner, and the woman working as a prostitute-all are dancing an intricate international minuet. Those who look closely at the gendered causes and the gendered consequences of that minuet are conducting a feminist investigation of today's international political system.

Women's collective resistance to any one of these feminized expectations can realign both local and international systems of power. As we will see, even stymied or only partially successful resistance by women can expose both who wields power to sustain the gendered status quo and what those power-wielders fear they will lose if women's resistance succeeds. This is why every suffrage movement in every country-the United States, Britain, Brazil, Mexico, China, Egypt, Kuwait-has raised such intense political alarm. Today, likewise, every effort by immigrant domestic workers to unionize-and every attempt by women garment and electronics workers to go out on strike, every move by women banana workers to be heard inside a male-led labor union, every campaign by an "out" lesbian to gain elective office, every demand by women married to soldiers and diplomats to pursue their own careers-not only has the potential to upset the gendered norms and roles on which the current global system has come to rely but also exposes where power operates to sustain the gendered status quo, as well as who benefits from that current gendered status quo.

Most of the time we scarcely notice that many governments still look like men's clubs, with the occasional woman allowed in the door. We see a photo of members of Russia's cabinet, Wall Street's inner circle, the Chinese Politboro, or Europe's central bankers, and it is easy to miss the fact that all the people in these photographs are men. One of the most useful functions that the British prime minister Margaret Thatcher served during the 1980s was to break through our gender numbness. Thatcher herself was not an advocate for women, but when she stood at a 1987 meeting in Venice alongside France's Mitterand, Japan's Nakasone, the United States' Reagan, and the other heads of government, we suddenly noticed that everyone else was male. Twenty-five years later, Angela Merkel, the German chancellor, provided a similar gender-consciousness-raising function when she stood for a photograph with the other heads of government in the Group of Eight, the world's economic powers. One woman in a photo makes it harder for us to ignore that the men are men.

Instead of making banana bread with a bunch of mashed bananas, you can make banana ketchup just like Orosa. According to Serious Eats, start by sauting a chopped small onion, a couple of cloves of minced garlic, a finely chopped jalapeo pepper, freshly grated ginger, ground turmeric, and ground allspice in a medium saucepan until everything is fragrant.

I think every woman will agree that there are certain baked goods that are more seasonally appealing than others. Pumpkin bread in the middle of summer never sounds good. Pumpkin bread on the first day of October, when the wind carries a formidable chill and the leaves are glistening gold and yellow, however, tastes delicious. A blackberry cobbler would never do for a Christmas dessert, and a lemon blueberry muffin in January? Kind of strange. To me, banana bread muffins are the golden (truly, golden) breakfast of summers past, present, and hopefully, future.

Whatever you call them, bananas are noted for being a good source of potassium, Spees said. According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, one medium banana provides 375 milligrams. That's about 11% of the recommended daily potassium for a man and 16% for a woman.

Made the recipe! Finally. I loved it and so did my family! Well, the ones who likes banana pudding. It was simply amazing! I would make it again. Now, to me I would like it to be just a LITTLE bit sweeter! But other then that, this is amazing.

This banana bread is amazing. It is moist, holds together great, and is nice a filling. I love that there is not additional sweetener. I doubled the recipe, added a handful of chocolate chips and everyone loved it! This will definitely be my go to banana bread recipe.

My husband is a die-hard banana bread fan but is also constantly asking me to put less sugar in things. This recipe is a game-changer in our home. My one-year-old will eat every bit of it you put in front of him! We love to put a little butter on it and griddle it before serving. 17dc91bb1f

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