WraithWinterly - My Website Has Moved

Everplast is a platforming game based on Fernand, trying to ruin the world for Ruth, ultimately overcoming the struggles and finding the real reason to the madness


Current Development

Everplast started development in September 2021. I am working every single day to add features, fix bugs, and complete the game. Regular dev updates can be found on the Everplast Discord Server.

Play on 5 Profiles

Everplast supports 5 profiles - so you can play as you like, have others play, or test new strategies on other profiles!

What is the release date of Everplast?

It has been released already.

About WraithWinterly

I am a Web and Game Developer. Every day I work hard to create these games and to make my dreams a reality.

Follow Everplast and WraithWinterly

Discord: https://discord.gg/36ee6SpDAq
