Also why is my account name wasting screen space? I don't need to be reminded of my name everytime I open evernote window. Is there a way to hide it? To be honest I don't care, I'm back to the older version. If it evers stops working and they force me to use a newer version, then I'm out.

Glad to hear it's been working for you on Android 13, though I don't understand how. (One of many things....) You might take a look at this thread on the rollout of the current version, 10.53.2: -rolling-out-evernote-mobile-1053/. It could address some of your concerns. I haven't looked at the Google Play reviews. I do know that I like to carefully check the date on reviews there, to judge whether they apply to the current version of whatever app is concerned. All I can say is that I've been using v. 10 without significant issues. Not without any: I occasionally have to check to be sure edits have synced before I leave the app; and I have had long, old notes shows some data corruption after an edit, but nothing that can't be recovered. I did have an instance of edit ... poof, gone ... repeat, but that was a couple of updates ago, and may have been related to connectivity issues on my end. I have no speed issues at all, have certainly never had the app fail to start--that kind of thing is rare and isolated, I believe.

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EDIT: One other thing, since you're on a Samsung device: there is an ongoing bug in the use of handwriting to sketch or write on Samsung phones and tablets--mainly, it doesn't work, or it stops working after a couple of strokes. This happens with both the S Pen stylus and a finger. There are lengthy threads in the Android support forum: -evernote-for-android-issues-versions-100-and-above/.

Now my evernote for windows isnt working ie it just says signing in. I spoke to the customer care via email for the note duplication issue now I have this issue popping after following the steps that they said.

I've been experiencing this duplicate note issue a lot in the past few weeks, and I never experienced it prior. I access evernote from 2 devices, my laptop and my phone. I only have experienced the issue while using my laptop. Currently I'm on 10.48.4.

I have a couple of computers, one is Linux (Where EN works well, still waiting for more speed and response times), and the other is a Samsung Rf511 with Intel Pentium iCore7 and Windows 7 (an extremely fast version that runs smoothly with a good firewall and antivirus) and today, I was using my w7 laptop and all of a sudden got the Java error after updating to version "Evernote-10.44.8-win-ddl-ga-3632-36e33ef8ac-setup" downloaded first at "E:\Users\{user}\AppData\Local\evernote-client-updater\pending" So, I won't deny I have to update my OS, but in the meanwhile. I let everybody know that version 10.42.7 still works on my Windows 7and will remain on it till I migrate to a more modern OS. (Pink Elephant, I listened, just give me some time bro or sis?)

For clarity, I am attempting to use Evernote on my chrome browser (, not the Windows desktop app, which I think someone posted a screenie of. Magically, I was able to download the windows app on my primary work computer and saw the v10... some of you had posted. However, when I switch to a different workstation/ computer, the windows Evernote app isn't present so that is not a solution for me (don't even get me started on how janky my work computer situation is).

I really appreciate everyone's suggestions. Per those suggestions, I cleared all my cookies and site data in Chrome to no avail. I also checked my extensions and I don't have any set up on Chrome currently. I also tried opening Evernote in Microsoft Edge, my company's default browser, and there is still no Home. I may just open a ticket with Evernote support and see what they say as the logical steps shared here haven't worked. I should also say that everything I've described about Evernote on my work station holds true for my home computer if I access Evernote though the web ( using the same browser (Chrome) which is also up-to-date. I will have to wait until tonight to replicate the suggestions here on my home computer and see if that makes any difference. Surely I can't be the only person this has happened to?

Problem is : the people at Evernote are EXCELLENT developpers. They hugely honour the principle of UNCLUTTERED look. Which is good. Only they got it WRONG concerning the way evernote is used. Evernote is used to RETRIEVE information, especially when you are on the go or on the mobile. And they wrote us users a UI for STORING information. They are by this BARKING UP THE WRONG TREE. Now ... if they would have had it right and program the UI in order to RETRIEVE info through the tag-tree, or by other means (which would be GREAT). Then current popularity would PALE compared to the future popularity.

If they make a decision that is based on flawed data, then evernote will not live too long. No business survives without satisfying it's customers. It appears that Evernote is more interested in satisfying Wall Street than it's actual users.

New evernote layout is very difficult to navigate. The whole functionallity of Evernote is lost, I cant see my notebooks, I cant see my notes listed as before. Already considering changing to a new webtool if this "super clean" theme stays.

thank God Evernote gives you option to switch back, in more superior original Web way. And, I hope I never have to be force to use anything like this Beta ***** anywhere, I hope Evernote management does not change the PC client or Mac Client, please do not put these UI people power to mess up the Desktop Clients, please do not. I love evernote so much to change to this *****. Please do not do it.

Why change a near perfect design of original Web ways. When the UI is great for the Web so clean and nice why change it for worse? Is evernote just want to follow microsoft window 8 UI minimalist horrible design?

Thanks PinkElephant - I don't really use tasks or calendar really to be fair. I only use evernote for note taking, storing images, snippets, scanned documents etc.. My use case in simple and yet the features I use I noticed last time they were missing. Like now I just looked up a random note via my phone it modified the update date and I can't change it.. only in legacy.

Please do let me know about the database move and if it'll conflict with my other database if I move to the same drive - I'm sure it will.. I've also noticed that the database folder is smaller in appdata in v10 as opposed to v6.. the v6 evernote folder is 13.5gb where the newly created database folder is only 9gb.. maybe it needs time to populate?

Also, it might help some of those who are more expert here than I am to know: did you download version 10 from the evernote web site or from the windows store? (the evernote web site is apparently a better choice.) And, under Help/Evernote, what is the exact version number that you have installed?

I just don't understand it .. my entire day has been wasted today and I'm sitting here and my PC fans are cracked up because of the elevated CPU temps because evernote has decided to unpack itself or something along those lines all to my C drive too..

How will I determine when this back-end process has finished ? I've just checked the folder of the %appdata%\roaming\evernote and it's exceeded the size of the legacy Evernote folder.. the legacy folder was 13.5GB and this one is now... 13.7GB .. that's taken 8+ hours lol to even get here!

The reason I have Evernote database on a differnet drive is because sometimes my system may crash and I may need to perform a system restore using like clonezilla for example.. this works well with Evernote because the database is stored on a different SDD thus the structure of data is not impacted. Whereas imagine if evernote was contained on C drive and then a restore took place which restored data from a month ago.. that would cause chaos..

Another question I have, in Legacy I had a method I used to save changes direct to notes.. I could say open a jpg and make a change to it and rather than save it out of evernote and have to reimport it.. I could click on say save to original folder which I think was in the Evernote\Databases\Attachments folder - Save it over the file which was opened in there and it would save directly over the note without having to do all that long windedness... How do I get this to work in v10 ?

The DB folder which is only 5gb (doesn't make sense) is now on a different drive and yet 8gb folder is the appdata\roaming\evernote > very odd how it's split it like that. 

Not sure if this will cause a problem. Also, I tried to do mass export in the latest version of EN using the sign-out , ctrl - shift E method and no joy. So for now I can still use legacy and perform rapid full backup in less than 3 minutes using that method, however,, once they ditch legacy what would be the way to obtain a copy of notes for local retention using the latest version? the backup method ?

Well I was thinking. Maybe to be on the safe side.. If I ever were to perform a system restore due to a problem with my environment.. Maybe once I'm back into windows , first thing would be to uninstall Evernote without opening it.. that way it's gone and then re-install the latest version from and allow it to populate the latest version of the database from server side.. 2351a5e196

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