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Gather Catering has compiled a list of top ten must-have items for a perfect Christmas dinner party. These tips will help you spice up your Christmas dinner. These are some basic and classic tips to help you get an idea of what people expect from a dinner party.

To make dinner party catering Calgary memorable, you can combine our ideas with yours.

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10 Super Tips for Hosting a Dinner Party

Table Linen

Your table linen is the perfect way to complete your table. You should also consider classic designs and stylish linen. Our Signature collection is a great choice. It has a soft, luxurious cotton feel and vibrant colors that make it the perfect table linen for complimenting great food and company.

Set of Glasses

You can make them unique, but not too expensive. You might consider a plan with some color. It’s classic, but it can be made different for special occasions like Christmas (number depends on how many guests).


The tone of a dinner party can be set by candles. Many people mistakenly believe candles are romantic. However, candles can create a relaxed, soft atmosphere that allows you to relax and enjoy your guests. You can also use two large candles and two plain, transparent glass vases to reflect the light on the table.

Table Mats

These items are important for making your table beautiful and inviting guests. They also protect the table from spillages, hot plates, and scratches. You should choose a color appropriate for the occasion. For example, you might use a red, gold, or silver depending on how your linen is.

You can try bright colors if your linen has a white background. Avoid using flowery patterns as they can distract from the style of your table accessories.

Matching Cutlery

A matching set of forks, knives and spoons is the best way to make your table look elegant. You can do this cheaply and cheerfully.

Matching plates are a nice idea. I don’t recommend you buy a new set, but you should keep your current set simple. If you have plain white plates, use them all. This way, if you need extra plates for people, you can easily buy inexpensive spares.

White makes dinner more attractive and is clean and fresh. White can also be used to highlight your table linens and accessories without clashing.

Main Dish Recipes For a Dinner Party


You should not spend more than you have to. Sometimes the excitement of hosting a dinner party can cause your brain to race and make it difficult for you to enjoy the evening. You can have a lot of fun with dinner parties and they are very affordable. If you are not able to plan your own dinner party, you can also ask to the Calgary lunch catering who can host the party as per your requirements.


You can add some sparkle to your table by adding a small center piece to the middle of your candles. It’s something simple but a little sparkly.

You can use any Christmas tree leftovers to fill a glass ball with bobbles. They don’t have to be the same color, but they can come in different styles. For example, you could put three silver bobbles inside and three silver glitter ones outside. This adds a touch of Christmas to your table.


You need to cater for everyone. Before hosting the dinner party, ask your guests what they think of the food.

You don’t need to spend too much time in the kitchen; enjoy your day. If you aren’t very skilled at cooking extravagant meals, it can lead to disaster.

Enjoy Christmas by spending less time in the kitchen and more time with your family.


You should ensure that you provide water for your guests. This will save you time and allow them to pour their own drinks. You can offer non-alcoholic beverages as well as alcoholic drinks, such as juices and alcoholic-free cocktails. Again, this is up to your guests. Keep them entertained so they don’t get bored.

You can integrate your own ideas with ours, to help give you the perfect balance in creating and setting the perfect atmosphere for you and your guests, making it a Christmas to remember.