Catechist Formation

All adult leaders must be cleared under the Archdiocese of Baltimore VIRTUS Child & Youth Protection (Safe Environment) process. Learn more here: Safe Environment (Ambiente Seguro)

In addition to our ministry-specific meetings, all adult leaders are encouraged to participate in the staff Evangelization Team's NEW monthly Catechist Formation gatherings, which take place on the 4th Tuesday of each month). These gatherings focus on YOUR spiritual, human, intellectual, and pastoral formation as adult disciples of Jesus Christ, and are our gift to you for your generosity to the young people of our parishes! Learn more by contacting Deacon Dan Miller, Director of Evangelization.

Got a question or want to go deeper? The E-Team LOVES to give resources (books, videos, and more) on topics of interest to you, so don't hesitate to ask!

Our youth ministry YouTube channel has a number of curated playlists on various topics which include tons of videos hand-selected for going deeper into a topic! Got an idea for a new playlist topic or an addition to an existing playlist? Let the E-Team know! is a video and audio platform useful for previewing some of the content we use within our ministries, but also FULL of great stuff for your own enrichment. To create your free account under the pastorate's subscription:

  • Go to

  • Click on "Sign Up"

  • Click "Sign up as a parishioner"

  • Type in "21144"

  • Select "St. Bernadette Parish"

  • Click "Next"

  • Type in name and email address

  • Click "Sign Up"

Note: You will not choose a password; instead, when you log into Formed a link will be sent to your email. Click on that link to gain access. In the future, if you are using an app (such as for iOS, Android, or Roku) or go to on your computer, you should rarely need to actually go through the log in process.