Eva Benito Garagorri, PhD

Hi there! 👋🏻

My name is Eva, and I'm a scientist - and also a facilitator

Molecular biology, learning and memory in mice, models of cognitive decline, and high-dimensional data handling: throw any of those at me and I'll be happy!

I am a neuroscientist by training and a hobby coder.

Fell in love with molecular biology. Used it to study how we learn and forget.

Then discovered the joy in coding, automation and anything that goes with it. Used it to customise data analysis and visualisation.

This is what I can do. I know how to...

  • Organize information
  • Distill important messages and tell a story
  • Prepare and deliver a beautiful and effective presentation
  • Program in R and python. I know my way around HTML and CSS too
  • Fiddle around with machine learning models
  • Set up a website with WordPress or G-Sites
  • Teach myself to do almost anything
  • Find solutions to most technological problems
  • Realize when I have gone wrong and rectify
  • Organize my time to meet deadlines
  • Listen actively
  • Organize projects with roadmaps and milestones and systematize them

Passion · Curiosity · Persistence.

3 things that have led me to where I am at this point

And that I think are core to achieving goals

What have I done so far?

  • I studied Biochemistry at the University of the Basque Country
  • I did my PhD in molecular neuroscience at the University of Elche in Alicante
    • Graduated summa cum laude
  • I did a postdoc on genome:environment interactions at the German Center for Neurodegenerative Diseases (DZNE) in Goettingen, Germany
    • I published 3 first-author and 8+ collaboration papers
    • I received a prize for an outstanding publication in Alzheimer's Disease
  • I was a Scientific Coordinator for the SourceData project at EMBO in Heidelberg, Germany
    • I created an automated panel boundary detection system based on YOLO
    • I automated Chrome-based tasks with Selenium

What are my core technical skills?

Molecular Biology

  • From Western Blot to viral production, I can do most that needs to be done at the bench. Check out a full list of techniques here.

Cell culture

  • Cell lines, primary culture and anything that grows in a flask.

Behavioral tests in mouse models

  • Need to characterize your mouse model for learning and memory behavior? From Morris Water Maze to any custom test you fancy, I can do that


  • Gene expression profiling based on microarrays or RNA-Seq.
  • Epigenetic profiling. Local ChIP, ChIP-Seq or smallRNA-Seq analysis, you name it


  • Anything that involves analyzing omics data I can probably handle
  • Design, set up and run analysis pipelines. Locally or on a cluster.
  • Script in R and python. Either to achieve custom data analysis or visualization or to automate tasks

My motto and life values

"It can be done, you just have to put your mind to it"

  • I put myself into everything I do
  • It's a principle, a way of living
  • I make myself valuable in any team
  • I go every mile. One step at a time

What former employers and colleagues have written about me:

"Eva is the most organized, professional and reliable person I have worked with and thus the one I always turned to in order to have lab issues organized. In no time she became one of the main pillars in my laboratory"

Prof. Dr. Andre Fischer


"Eva is extraordinarily persistent with her goals, which makes her capable of acquiring new technical skills in a short amount of time. Further to that, she is not afraid to step out of her comfort zone in order to achieve her goals"

Dr. Angel Barco

Looking to contact former employers or colleagues to learn more about me? 🧐

Sure! 😃

Here's a list:

Or connect with me!