Eurosys Doctoral Workshop 2022 (EuroDW'22)


The 16th EuroSys Doctoral Workshop (EuroDW '22) will provide a forum for PhD students to present their work and receive constructive feedback from experts in the field, as well as from peers. Technical presentations will be augmented with general advice and discussions about getting a PhD, doing research, and career perspectives. EuroDW '22 will also offer the opportunity for mentoring. The idea is to give graduate students a chance to talk one-on-one (or, in some cases, one-on-two) about their research with outstanding researchers beyond those available at the students’ universities.

We invite applications from PhD students at any stage of their doctoral studies.

Workshop Format

This year, the workshop will take place in a hybrid format. We would be thrilled to connect in Rennes in person, and you are also welcome to attend the event fully online.

The in-person event takes place in the Belvédères room, at the second floor of the Couvent des Jacobins. It will be jointly broadcast on Zoom.

Agenda – April 5th


Keynote 1: How to Write a Bad Research Paper

Speaker: Rachid Guerraoui, EPFL


This talk will highlight 7 commons errors that typically cause the rejection of scientific papers from conferences and journals.


Rachid Guerraoui is a professor in computer science at EPFL where he leads the Laboratory of Distributed Computing (DCL). He worked in the past with Ecole des Mines de Paris, CEA Saclay, HP Labs in Palo Alto, and MIT. He has been elected ACM fellow and professor of the College de France. He was awarded a Senior ERC Grant and a Google Focused Award.

Keynote 2: Out of Hypervisor (OoH): When Nested Virtualization Becomes Practical

Speaker: Alain Tchana, ENS-Lyon


This talk introduces Out of Hypervisor (OoH), a new research axis to bypass nested virtualization which is in stalemate. Instead of emulating a full virtual hardware inside a VM to support a hypervisor, the OoH principle is to individually expose current hypervisor-oriented hardware virtualization features to the guest OS so that its kernel and processes could also take benefit from those features. In fact, several hardware virtualization features such as Intel PML, SPP, CAT, and EPT which currently can only be used by the hypervisor can also be beneficial for processes that run inside the VM. We illustrate OoH with Intel PML and Intel SPP, two features which allow efficient dirty page tracking for improving VM live migration. First, we show how Intel PML can be used to improve process checkpointing (CRIU) and concurrent garbage collection (Boehm) from inside the VM. Second, we show how Intel SPP can be used to reduce memory waste in secure guard page based heap memory allocators.


Alain Tchana is a Nkongsamba boy (, a city in Cameroon where he studied until 2008. He graduated from University of Yaoundé I. Then he received his PhD in computer science in 2011 at Institut National Polytechnique de Toulouse, France. Since September 2019 he is full professor at ENS Lyon, France. His main research interests are Virtualization and Operating Systems. Currently, he is mainly interested in datacenter disaggregation, privacy enforcement at the OS level, storage virtualization, application security. Simply, Alain Tchana is a Systems guy!

Elevator Pitch 1


  • Partial Model Sharing: Get More for Less in Decentralized Learning, Rishi Sharma (EPFL), slides, video.

  • Towards Bias Mitigation in Federated Learning, Yasmine Djebrouni (University of Grenoble Alps, LIG, LIRIS), slides, video.

  • Let's Go, Private! Towards a Privacy-Preserving and Distributed Machine Learning System, Cláudia Brito (HASLab, INESC TEC, U. Minho), slides, video.

  • (Re)Designing Decentralised Learning Algorithms: A Systems View, Akash Dhasade (EPFL), slides, video.

  • FL-Offload: Tackling Stragglers in Heterogeneous Federated Learning Systems using Freezing and Offloading, Bart Cox (Tu Delft), slides, video.

  • PEPPER: Empowering User-Centric Recommender Systems over Gossip Learning, Yacine Belal (INSA Lyon), slides, video.

  • ’Frugal’ deep learning for neuromuscular tissue analysis for tomorrow’s gene therapies, Marie Reinbigler (Télécom SudParis), slides, video.

  • Towards User-Side Uniqueness Assessment of Mobility Data with a Federated Learning Approach, Besma Khalfoun (INSA Lyon, LIRIS, France), slides, video.


  • Towards Mitigation of Edge-Case Backdoor Attacks in Federated Learning, Fatima El Hattab (INSA LYON), slides, video.

  • A Framework for Formal Specification and Verification of Security Properties of the Android Permission System, Amirhossein Sayyadabdi (University of Isfahan), slides, video.

  • Accurate and Robust Detection of Attack Phases in Timing Side Channel Attacks, Arash Pashrashid (National University of Singapore), slides, video.

  • SecureL: Secure code partitioning via multi-language secure types, Peterson Yuhala (University of Neuchâtel), slides, video.

  • GradSec: a TEE-based Scheme Against Federated Learning Inference Attacks, Aghiles Ait Messaoud (University of Lyon, LIRIS), slides, video.

Elevator Pitch 2


  • Revisiting guest TCP stacks for clouds, Mihai-Drosi Câju (University Politehnica of Bucharest), slides, video.

  • Flexible I/O Monitoring for Distributed Systems, Tânia Esteves (INESC TEC, U. Minho), slides, video.

  • NVsplit: An in-network non-volatile main memory disaggregator, Rémi Dulong (University of Neuchâtel, Switzerland & Télécom SudParis), slides, video.

  • Realistic Cloud Storage Benchmarking, Théophile Dubuc (ENS Lyon, 3DS Outscale), slides, video.

  • Distributed and Dependable SDS Control Plane for HPC, Mariana Miranda (HASLab, INESC TEC, U. Minho), slides, video.

  • Commodity Networks for Real-time Systems with End-to-end Guarantees, Ashish Kashinath (University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign), slides, video.

  • Decentralized control in large-scale fog computing infrastructures, Chih-Kai Huang (Univ Rennes, IRISA, CNRS, Inria), slides, video.


  • Towards Tunable Distributed Data Management for IoT, Luís Ferreira (HASLab , INESC TEC, U. Minho), slides, video.

  • Dynamic monitoring and protection of IoT applications running on extremely heterogeneous infrastructures, François De Keersmaeker (UCLouvain), slides, video.

  • Improving IoT Network Security Using SDN Architecture, Yinan Cao (UCLouvain), slides, video.


  • Unlocking blockchain performance by multiplexing consensus protocols, Kadir Korkmaz (Université de Bordeaux), slides, video.

  • MSpec: Automated Safety Reasoning for OS Compartmentalization, Vlad-Andrei Bădoiu (University Politehnica of Bucharest), slides, video.

  • Incremental Build of Linux Kernel Configurations, Georges Aaron Randrianaina (U. Rennes, CNRS, Inria, IRISA), slides, video.

  • Keeping Up With Modern Demands: Towards Power-efficient Embedded Systems, Ourania Spantidi (Southern Illinois University Carbondale), slides, video.


If you cannot attend the panel in person, you can use this form to submit questions to our speakers. The panel moderator will read your questions during the session.

Goal of the Workshop

The goal of the workshop is to provide feedback and advice to PhD students both on technical aspects of their research as well as career development. We expect a range of participants such as the presenters’ peers, as well as senior researchers who will attend to share their expertise and provide constructive feedback. The idea is to create opportunities for students to meet with peers outside of their home institution, to get technical feedback as well as career advice from senior researchers in their field, to find out about internship and job opportunities, and to articulate their own work in a public, non-threatening forum. We encourage the participants to stay for the duration of the EuroSys main conference.

We expect most submissions to be from current PhD students who have selected a clear research topic. Research topics of interest cover computing systems in the broadest sense, including work on formal foundations, as well as the design, implementation and evaluation of real systems.

More specifically, research topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

  • Artificial intelligent systems

  • Big data analytics frameworks

  • Cloud computing and data center systems

  • Database systems

  • Dependable systems

  • Distributed systems

  • File and storage systems

  • Language support and runtime systems

  • Mobile and pervasive systems

  • Networked systems

  • Operating systems

  • Parallelism, concurrency, and multicore systems

  • Real-time, embedded, and cyber-physical systems

  • Secure systems, privacy and anonymity preserving systems

  • Tracing, analysis, and transformation of systems

  • Virtualization systems

Note: the workshop is not a venue for publication; there will be no published proceedings. Simultaneous submissions are allowed from the perspective of EuroDW.

Submission Instructions

If you would like to participate in the workshop, please submit your materials before the deadline. Submissions will receive written feedback from the PC, but the submission process is very lightweight and the main purpose is to put together the program and to match students with mentors.

Submission site:

Submissions should be up to 2 pages (including title and figures but excluding references) and should include the following sections only:

  • Abstract

  • Introduction (problem statement, an overview of the proposed work, main differences from existing works)

  • Overview of the proposed work

  • Preliminary results (if applicable)

  • Work to be done (description of the planned work to address the proposed research problem and brief timeline to PhD completion)

  • Related work

Submissions will be assessed based on the importance, clarity, and relevance to EuroSys of the research problem, excellent understanding of the core related work, a realistic and clear roadmap to work completion towards the PhD, and the overall quality of the submitted paper.

Please note that there will be no published proceedings. Submissions shall be in .pdf, 2-column, single-spaced, 10pt format.

In addition, please include the following information in your submission (either in the abstract or in the submitted pdf):

  • PhD advisor’s name and affiliation

  • Year when you started your PhD

  • Expected submission date of the PhD thesis

Important Dates

  • Submission deadline (extended): February 18th, 2022

  • Acceptance Notification: March 14th, 2022

  • Camera-ready Due: March 21st, 2022

  • Workshop: April 5th, 2022

Students will be given the option to apply for travel grants. Details to come closer to the conference. (deadline passed)


Workshop Chairs

  • Oana Balmau, McGill University

  • Valerio Schiavoni, University of Neuchâtel

  • Pierre Sutra, Télécom SudParis

Program Committee

  • Alain Tchana U. Lyon, France

  • Alexandre da Silva Veith University of Toronto

  • Aurojit Panda New York University

  • Diego Didona IBM

  • Jérémie Découchant Technische Universität Delft

  • Julia Lawall Inria

  • Julien Gascon-Samson ETS Montreal

  • Laurent Bindschaedler MIT

  • Marios Kogias MSR / Imperial College London

  • Masoud Saeida Ardekani Google

  • Miguel Matos INESC-ID/U. Lisboa, Portugal

  • Sasha Fedorova University of British Columbia

  • Vana Kalogeraki AUEB, Greece

  • Xingda Wei Shanghai Jiao Tong University