Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts



Strengthen resilience and adaptive capacity to climate-related hazards and natural disasters in all countries



Improve education, awareness-raising and human and institutional capacity on climate change mitigation, adaptation, impact reduction and early warning

Task: Many residencies are litteraly swept away each day by natural disasters like wild fires, tornados, volcano eruptions, earthquakes, hurricanes, avalanches, escarpment, floods, drough... We need to rethink the way we live to try to minimize consequences of natural disasters and to try to reduce their occurence.

You are given a word 'PREJUDICE'. This word will be hit by series of natural disasters which will occure on given positions and affect the word in following way:

  • Earthquake swaps two adjacent letters (water 4 5 -> watre)

  • Hurricane blow away one letter (water 1-> ater)

  • Tornado blow away more random letters (water 2 5 -> wte)

  • Volcano adds new word into the word (water 3 sun-> wasunter)

  • Escrapment adds a letter in the word (water 3 l-> walter)

  • Flood replaces one letter in the word (water 3 m-> wamer)

  • Avalanche adds a letter/s at the end of the word (water py-> waterpy)

Your task is to follow the disasters as they occure and discover the word formed after disasters.

PREJUDICE --> hurricane 8 --> earthquake 7 8 --> hurricane 6 --> volcano 'WASP' 4 --> flood 3 'O' --> tornado 4 5 8 9 --> escrapment 7 'R' --> avalanche 'TY' --> _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Background: word manipulation is one part of the NLP (Natural Language Processing). It is used in creating AI like chatbots and robots that can communicate with people.