
Welcome to my personal webpage!

I am associate professor of finance at the Department of Economics and Statistics of the University of Naples Federico II. I am also a researcher at CSEF, and a research affiliate of SUERF and UECE-ISEG.

My research interests are banking and financial stability, with a focus on bank liquidity and regulation, the role of panics as triggers of financial crises, and the real effects of credit shocks. My research has been published, among others,  in the Review of Finance, the Journal of Money, Credit and Banking and in the Journal of Banking & Finance.

I hold a BA "Summa cum Laude" in Economics from Bocconi University, a MSc in Economics with Distinction from University College London, and a PhD in Economics from IIES-Stockholm University

In the spare time, I listen to music and go to concerts, watch soccer, read novels, cook and enjoy the beach.

Here you can find my complete curriculum vitae.


Institutional webpage: www.docenti.unina.it/ettore.panetti

Email: ettore.panetti@unina.it