ETSF Workshop 2023

We acknowledge the funding provided by the Institute of Physics of the University of Amsterdam and by the Dutch Research Council (NWO).

The ETSF Informal Meeting 2023 takes place in Amsterdam, Science Park, from Monday 15th to Wednesday 17th of May. 

This is an informal meeting that will focus on ongoing work, open questions and challenges in method development in an atmosphere that encourages lively discussions among the participants. With this in mind, we will ask speakers and chairpersons to stick to the spirit of “short talks, long discussions”. There will also be a poster session on Tuesday afternoon. 

Possible topics are: advances in methods for the calculation of electronic and optical properties, coherence and decoherence in out-of-equilibrium systems, electron-phonon coupling and polarons, quantum embedding and density-functional theory for excited states, time-dependent DFT, real-time simulations and dynamics of complex systems, first-principles description of complex excitations, etc.

For further information, contact the organizers: 

Irene Aguilera (University of Amsterdam): i.g.aguilerabonet at

Christoph Friedrich (Forschungszentrum Juelich): c.friedrich at