Any Expectations?

The following goals and expectations are created to ensure success:

  1. Plan On Submitting Work On Time. I’m on your side. I want you to succeed. Part of success in the 21st century is time management, so strategically plan your work, life and play. They all matter in your journey toward success. Every assignment has a due date, rubric and a deadline for submissions. Students are expected to submit assignments on or before the assigned due date. Working time will be designed in the course to ensure time is provided in producing your best work. Because time management is challenging and we are living in the middle of a global pandemic, late submissions will be accepted with a small penalty. Papers submitted after the deadline will receive a 10% grade point deduction for each day following the due date and time. You don’t want the penalty? Here are the steps:
    • Identify your problem
    • Propose a fair solution
    • Negotiate
  2. Stay Healthy: Your health is vital in your academic journey. Take intentional actions that will sustain your physical and mental health. Visit Campus Well to learn about staying healthy.
  3. Being in class means you are physically and mentally participating in online discussions. Sometimes we come into our online class tired or distracted. So plan on doing what it takes to be present. If you need any special assistance or help in staying focussed, let me know. I too struggled from distractions. I learned many strategies. Reach out. Constant interactions with classmates, instructor and course content will enable a healthy, positive and effective learning environment.
  4. Be respectful and open to changing your mind. Our topics are challenging. Yet the goal is to develop our ability to be empathy-minded.
  5. Always have a plan B. Technology doesn’t work all the time, therefore there must always be a plan B. External cloud based drives (such at Google Drive or Drop Box) or thumb drives are helpful in keeping files in a safe place besides your desktop alone. Get use to saving files in 2 locations. One can use the computers on campus too. A good way to save work is also through your email. It’s like a cloud-based hard drive.
  6. Stay on top of Canvas & PRONTO communication AND ACTIVATE YOUR CANVAS Notifications and your PRONTO account. I will be communicating with you to remind you to stay on task. Life can get busy, yet I will provide you the nudge to stay on task. I want you to succeed.
  7. Double check your actions. Double check your actions. When you have to submit something through Canvas, double check your steps. Make sure everything was correctly submitted. Canvas may get tricky, but you can navigate through it if you focus on the links, commands and directions.
  8. Communicate with me. One of the most important skills you will need to develop is impression or identity management. If something is not clear to you, it is your responsibility to communicate with me. Direct Messages via PRONTO is an acceptable form of communication
  9. Academic Honesty: College study is the process of acquainting students with values and procedures central to scholarship. All students are expected to do their own work. According to GCC academic honesty policies, all forms of cheating and plagiarism are absolutely forbidden. Be very careful. Our campus uses a plagiarism detection software and it's really good. At any point you need help in determining if an action is plagiarism, let me know. I can help you).
  10. Learning is a process: Part of the learning process is failure. Contrary to idea that a failing score is equivalent to failure, in this course, earned points assess your learning process. Sometimes we earn a score we are not happy with. Yet anger is not the solution. Everyone fails sometime in their academic journey. What builds character is how we grow from the experience. Not only do universities look for academic achievement. They looks for character and resilience.

Need extra help becasue your life is not helping out with your learning, GCC is committed to providing you services. Visit the Extra Help From GCC page

As a Glendale Community College Student, you agree to the following policies:

GCC Distance Education Policies

Academic Policies

GCC Student Email Procedures

Student Conduct Policies

Grievance Procedures

*I do not agree with the language and tone of these policies. Therefore, if you have any concerns, contact me via Canvas Inbox. Let's work it out.

“If you wish to heal your sadness or anger, seek to heal the sadness or anger of others. They are looking to you for guidance, help, courage, strength, understanding, and for assurance. Most of all, they are looking to you for love."

Ana Castillo, Chicana Feminist Writer