The textbooks of middle school general science, junior and senior high biological sciences, and junior high school physical science of pre-1984 were prepared almost entirely following the various models science inquiry, i.e., confirmation, structured, guided, and independent. However, middle and secondary school teachers of the time rarely teach using any of the models of inquiry. Lessons were taught through chalk and talk. I can only list four instances where I saw science being taught through demonstration and structured inquiry. My first experience was when I was grade 3 (in 1978) where our general science teacher showed us how a flame of a candle is extinguished when it is covered with glass beaker due to lack of oxygen. In the same grade, I remember the same teacher required us to germinate beans and put them in dark, at a window and in light to observe the directions of growth of the seedlings and their colors. Likewise, I remember (in 1982) when my grade 9 biology teacher dissected a frog to show its internal organs as a demo during an annual school day. Lastly, I remember (in 1983) when my grade 10 physical science teacher showed us a demonstration on the diffusion of some iron compound. I had taught grade 9 to 12 biology from 1990 to1994. Admittedly, I had very limited experience of planning and teaching lessons using any of the methods of science inquiry. During that time, I designed and taught only five structured-inquiry activities. These were: the effect of exercise on rate and depth of breathing in relation to gender, the process of osmosis using potato cubes, the internal structure of grasshopper through dissection, demonstrating the functioning of pace-maker in decapitated frog, and dissection of rat to demonstrate the structure of its caecum.

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