The Supreme Court Needs a Binding Code of Ethics

Revelations of Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito's corruption are merely the the latest and most egregious breaches of trust from this Supreme Court. For the sake of justice on every issue we care about, Congress must immediately pass a binding code of ethics for the Supreme Court to create needed accountability, as the Court’s self-policing is clearly failing. 

Find a variety of sample social media copy and download graphics to use to help us grow this movement for accountability and the rule of law below. 

Assets to link to:

Accountable to None: AFJ's report detailing ethical violations by numerous Supreme Court Justices and the need for a binding code of ethics:

AFJ video on the need for a binding code of ethics:

AFJ Action Supreme Court Ethics Petition: 

Sample Social Media Post Copy - Use #EthicsReformNow

Our justice system is only fair when we can rely on justices and judges to rule impartially — not for personal gain, or to support anti-democratic activities. #EthicsReformNow

Take action: / Call your senators: 202-224-3121

Examples of issue-specific designs

Thomas-specific (501c3)