Welcome to my personal academic page!

My name is Etevaldo Costa, and I am currently a PhD student at the University of Aveiro, Portugal. I am privileged to be a part of the Gr@v group, where we delve deep into the fascinating realm of gravitational physics. Our team is at the forefront of gravitational research, focusing on areas like cosmology, black hole physics, gravitational wave physics and dynamics.

My current research is primarily focused on investigating non-topological and topological solitons from a mathematical and physical perspective, with a particular emphasis on their application in gravitating systems. To effectively analyze these complex phenomena, I utilize the CADSOL/FIDISOL PDE solver, which was developed in Fortran.

Feel free to explore my site and learn more about my research. And hey, if you find anything that piques your interest, why not invite me for a coffee? I'm always open to discussing new ideas, starting collaborations, or just chatting about our common interests. So, let's start a conversation!

Thank you for visiting!