Privacy Policy

We manages Personal Information as follows:

We will do everything we can to keep your data private and secure. The best way for any app to keep your private data private is to avoid handling it altogether so we strive to do this whenever possible. In the instance where we might handle your private data, rest assured that we never buy, receive, sell or share your Personal Information.

1. 3rd Party Advertising Services. Many our apps use 3rd party advertising services. These advertising services typically use an existing device identifier to deliver targeted advertising. These advertising services provide reporting information to us in aggregate ensuring your anonymity. We never share this information with outside parties.

2. 3rd Party Development Tools. Our apps use 3rd party analytics and crash reporting tools to improve your player experience. These tools typically assign an anonymous ID to each app which assists in collecting performance information which enables us to pinpoint and resolve errors that cause crashes as well as identify improvement opportunities. These development tools provide information to us in aggregate ensuring your anonymity. We never share this information with outside parties.

3. Player Account. Most our apps collect and sync games statistics to our game servers to ensure secure storage of your game statistics and in some instances facilitate game play. This game data is anonymous, never shared with outside parties and is retained throughout use of the app.

4. Safeguard. Players may also have the option to connect an email address to their app which enables play across multiple devices as well as recovery of game play and statistics in the event an app is deleted or transferring game play and statistics to a new device. These player email addresses are never shared with outside 3rd parties. We respect your right to be forgotten and will delete your player email history upon request.

5. Other Personal Information. We uses email as the primary communication method for providing support to players. Use of those player support email addresses is limited to responding to support exchanges with those players and is also subject to this Privacy Policy. We uses Google Analytics to track performance of company websites but has no access to any personal information collected by Google Analytics.

6. Security. The security of Personal Information is important to us, but no method of transmission over the Internet, or method of electronic storage is 100% secure. While we strive to use commercially acceptable means to protect your Personal Information, we cannot guarantee its absolute security.

7. Law Enforcement. We will adhere to any reasonable requests by a duly authorized law enforcement entity.

8. Children. Our apps are not intended for nor targeted towards children. Children under the age of 13 should not download or play any of our apps.

9. Changes to this Privacy Policy. We may update this Privacy Policy from time to time. We will notify you of any changes by posting the new Privacy Policy on this website. You are advised to review this Privacy Policy periodically for any changes.

10. Contact Us. If you have any questions about this Privacy Policy, please contact us at