Estêvão B. Saleme
About me
I obtained my PhD degree in Computer Science from UFES, Brazil, in 2019. During my PhD, I was an Academic Visitor at Brunel University London, UK, supported by CAPES, had my thesis nominated among the top six 2019 PhD theses in Computer Science by the Brazilian Computing Society, and received an honourable mention at the Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and Web. I was also awarded the 2020 Best Paper Award from IEEE MultiMedia by the IEEE Computer Society Publications Board. My research interests include multimedia, human-computer interaction, and software engineering with a focus on digital multisensory systems, quality of experience of users, immersive technologies (VR/AR/XR), signal processing, middleware, and frameworks. I also have several years of hands-on experience in the IT industry, which can be explored here. Contact me at estevaobissoli (at
Highlighted Papers
Saleme, E. B., Covaci, A., Assres, G., Comsa, I-S., Trestian, R., Santos, C. A. S., Ghinea, G. (2021). The Influence of Human Factors on 360º Mulsemedia QoE. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (Elsevier), v. 146, p. 1-14.
Mesfin, G., Saleme, E. B., Ademoye, O., Kani-Zabihi, E., Santos, C. A. S., Ghinea, G. (2021). Less is (Just as Good as) More - an Investigation of Olfactory Intensity and Hedonic Valence in Mulsemedia QoE using Heart Rate and Eye Tracking. IEEE Transactions on Multimedia, v. 23, p. 1095-1105.
Comsa, I-S., Saleme, E. B., Covaci, A., Mesfin, G., Trestian, R., Santos, C. A. S., Ghinea, G. (2020). Do I Smell Coffee? The Tale of a 360° Mulsemedia Experience. IEEE MultiMedia, v. 27, p. 27-36. (AWARDED 2020 BEST PAPER)
Saleme, E. B.; Covaci, A., Mesfin, G., Santos, C. A. S., Ghinea, G. (2019). Mulsemedia DIY: A Survey of Devices and a Tutorial for Building Your Own Mulsemedia Environment. ACM Computing Surveys, v. 52, p. 1-29.
Saleme, E. B.; Santos, C. A. S., Ghinea, G. (2019). A Mulsemedia Framework for Delivering Sensory Effects to Heterogeneous Systems. Multimedia Systems (Springer), v. 25, p. 421-447.
Covaci, A., Trestian, R., Saleme, E. B., Comsa, I-S., Assres, G., Santos, C. A. S., Ghinea, G. (2019). 360° Mulsemedia: A Way to Improve Subjective QoE in 360° Videos. In: Proc. of the 27th ACM International Conference on Multimedia - ACM MM '19, Nice, France, p. 2378-2386.
Service and Volunteering
Editorship and Reviewing
Funding Agencies
National Science Centre, Poland (2021-), Grant Proposal Reviewer.
IEEE MultiMedia (2019-), Reviewer.
IEEE Transactions on Multimedia (2019-), Reviewer.
MDPI Sensors (2020-), Reviewer.
Frontiers in Human-Media Interaction (2020-), Review Editor.
Multimedia Systems (Springer) (2020-), Reviewer.
International Journal of Pervasive Computing and Communications (2020-), Associate Editor.
MDPI Sensors (2021-2022), Guest Editor - Special Issue on IoT Applications in Multisensorial and Multimodal Interaction.
Internet of Things (Elsevier) (2021-), Reviewer.
Quality and User Experience (Springer) (2021-), Reviewer.
Multimedia Tools and Applications (Springer) (2023-), Reviewer.
ACM Transactions on Multimedia Computing, Communications, and Applications (2024-), Reviewer.
IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management (2024-), Reviewer.
ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems: CHI 2021 (Yokohama, Japan), CHI 2020 (Honolulu, USA).
IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces: IEEE VR 2021 (Lisbon, Portugal).
ACM International Conference on Interactive Experiences for TV and Online Video: ACM IMX 2021 (New York, USA), ACM IMX 2020 (Barcelona, Spain).
The 4th International Workshop on Data Engineering meets Intelligent Food and COoking Recipes - DECOR '21 at IEEE ICDE 2021 (Chania, Greece).
Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and Web: WebMedia '20 (Virtual), WebMedia '19 (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil), WebMedia '17 (Gramado, Brazil).
Chairing and TPC
ACM Multimedia Systems Conference - ACM MMSys 2024. Bari, Italy. TPC member for Open-Source Software and Dataset.
ACM Multimedia Systems Conference - ACM MMSys 2022. Athlone, Ireland. Publicity co-chair, TPC member for Demos and Open Dataset and Software.
Workshop on Immersive Mixed and Virtual Environment Systems at ACM MMSys 2022 - MMVE'22. Athlone, Ireland. TPC Member.
Workshop on Multisensory Experiences at ACM IMX - SENSORYX '22. (Aveiro, Portugal) SENSORYX '21. (New York, USA). Co-chair.
Workshop on Data Engineering meets Intelligent Food and Cooking Recipes at IEEE ICDE - DECOR '22 (Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, TPC Member), DECOR '21 (Chania, Greece. Publicity Chair).
ACM International Conference on Multimedia - ACM MM 2021. Chengdu, China. Area chair.
ACM International Conference on Interactive Experiences for TV and Online Video - ACM IMX 2021 (New York, USA), ACM IMX 2020 (Barcelona, Spain). TPC - Associate Chair.
The 8th International Conference on Future Internet of Things and Cloud - FiCloud 2021. Online. TPC Member.
Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and Web - WebMedia '21, WebMedia '20. Online. TPC Member.
The 14th International Conference on Advanced Engineering Computing and Applications in Sciences - ADVCOMP 2020. Nice, France. TPC Member.
Student Volunteer
ACM Multimedia Conference, ACM MM '19. Nice, France. Volunteer in 6 sessions. Report available at
Awards, Honours, and Scholarships
2022 - 2020 Best Paper Award from IEEE MultiMedia by the IEEE Computer Society Publications Board for "Do I Smell Coffee? The Tale of a 360° Mulsemedia Experience"
2020 - Nominated among the top six 2019 theses in Computer Science (out of 63 submissions) at the XL Brazilian Computing Society Congress.
2020 - Honourable mention for PhD thesis at the XXVI Brazilian Symposium on Multimedia and Web.
2019 - SIGMM Student Travel Award for ACM MM ‘19, Nice, France, ACM SIGMM.
2018 - Sandwich PhD Scholarship - Mobility (Brunel University London, UK), CAPES.
2017 - SIGMM Student Travel Award for ACM MMSYS ‘17, Taipei, Taiwan, ACM SIGMM.
Professional Affiliations
ACM (Association for Computing Machinery), 2021-current
ACM SIGMM (Association for Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group in Multimedia), 2019-2020
IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), 2019-2020
IEEE ComSoc (Communications Society), 2019-2020
Academic Websites and Social Media
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