Esteban Pino

Universidad de Concepcion, Concepción, Chile

I am an associate professor at the Universidad de Concepcion, Chile. I have a ScD in electrical engineering and some entrepreneurship courses. I was actively involved in the creation and formation of the biomedical engineering program at my institution and have been part of it since 2005. My research interests are medical devices, point of care technologies, unobtrusive sensing and physiological signal processing. 

Research interests

Contact information

Edmundo Larenas 219

Oficina 208, Edif. Ing. Biomédica

Dep. Ing. Eléctrica

Facultad de Ingeniería

Universidad de Concepción

Concepción, CHILE

Tel.: +56 41 220-4431

estebanpino [at] 

Ingeniería Civil Biomédica