ESSLLI 2019, Riga, Latvia

Introduction to NLP

with Python

This is the course website for the suite of two ESSLLI 2019 courses that introduce the foundations of NLP, an area rapidly growing both in terms of academic developments and the number of jobs. The course materials will be made available here by the start of the course.

The introductory course will cover corpus pre-processing pipelines, basic machine learning experiments on text classification, and analysis of their results. The advanced course will introduce the basic classes of deep learning models and discuss recent trends in neural net-based distributional representations at the word, subword and sentence levels.

These courses are aimed at the linguists attending ESSLLI, and require only basic Python programming skills. The program will highlight in particular the problems with the current evaluation paradigms, dataset design, and general methodological challenges -- the interdisciplinary areas in which the linguists' expertise is much needed.

Instructor: Anna Rogers, University of Massachusetts (homepage)

This course is supported by a grant from Embassy of US in Latvia.