Colors - Primary & Secondary Stations


Let's keep learning about colors!

This is the Advanced Colors Song! We will learn about primary and secondary colors, and much more!

Let's visit stations to explore different colors and what happens when we mix them!

We will explore these different stations:

  1. With tissue paper, we will create artwork that shows how colors overlap to make new colors! Use tissue paper squares to create a collage that you can put up in the window!

  1. Let's use paint sticks again! With only the primary colors: red, yellow, and blue...what other colors can you create when mixing these colors on paper?

  1. Let's paint! What happens when you mix the primary paint colors together? What do they look like when you paint them on paper? Don't forget to wash your brush when you decide to make a new color!

  1. With droppers and liquid watercolors, combine two primary colors on a coffee filter to see what happens when they mix! I wonder what you will discover!