Colors of Us

Neutral Colors worksheet.pdf

Neutral Colors


  1. Watch and listen to Ms. L read The Colors of Us by Karen Katz.

  2. Use Crayola "multicultural colors" crayons to explore the different shades on THIS sheet.

  3. Draw yourself on THIS sheet then draw a friend of a different color. (extra time)

  4. Use multicultural paper to cut out different colored heads for your people.

  5. Then use the stamps to create bodies for your people. We will be using shapes like triangles, squares, and circles!

  6. Glue your heads on and add eyes, noses, mouths, and hair! Don't forget arms and legs for your people too!

  7. Look at all the different colors of friends you have created! What a wonderful world we live in of so many colors!

Are You the Same or Different

Same or Different?

Thank you to the Antiracist Art Teachers for sharing this project!