Design Challenge

Class #1

For the Design Challenge, you will need to learn and practice different cardboard attachment techniques. You will only be given a minimal amount of school hot glue or tape!

Some cardboard attachments:

  • Flange

  • "L" Brace

  • Slot

  • Tabs

  • Holes & Pipe Cleaner

Class #2

You are a designer.

You have been given a brief with a description of a space that needs remodeling.

Read the brief carefully, begin to take notes.

You will collaborate with fellow designers. It is important to be sure everyone in the group has their voice heard. Practice compromise and valuing everyone's ideas.

Start by observing the actual space...draw a sketch of what you see. Discuss your thoughts and ideas with your group and take notes!

Class #3 etc...

Continue to collaborate and build your space according to the brief you have been given.

Use your best artist collaborative skills to make sure everyone is included and all voices are heard in the building process!

What roles does each of your team members have?