Feeling Trees

Day 1:

Listen to this story called Sky Tree...place close attention to the sky in each illustration...

what do you notice?

What colors do you see?

We are now going to paint our own skies on large paper...how you will you paint your sky?

Sky Tree.mp4

When Sophie's Feelings Are Really, Really Hurt

Trees Slideshow

Drawing Trees

Day 2:

  1. Watch the and listen to the video of Ms. L reading When Sophie's Feelings Are Really, Really Hurt by Molly Bang.

  1. Gather art supplies:

    • Sketchbook

    • Pencil and eraser

  1. Take a look at this slideshow of different trees.

    • Which are your favorite?

    • Which ones would you like to draw?

    • Can you create your own kind of tree from your imagination?

    • Now practice drawing the forms of trees that you saw.

Day 3:

  1. Create your own feeling tree using tempera on top of the watercolor sky from Day 1. Fill the paper with your tree!

    • How does your tree make you feel when you see it?

    • How do you think others feel when they look at your tree?

  1. Share your artwork with someone and tell them how it made you feel to create your tree.

  • Ask your someone how they feel when they look at your tree!