Emotion Creature

Directions - Class #1

Artists use color in many ways. Sometimes artists use color to show emotions. When you look at or make artwork, sometimes you can feel emotions from the colors you see or choose in your work!

  1. Read A Little Spot of Feelings: Emotion Detective by Diane Alber.

  1. Talk about the different emotions and what colors you might use to describe or show these emotions.

  1. Choose an emotion and one color you would like to show in your artwork.

  1. Paint two pieces of paper in your color - one for the background of your artwork and one to cut up later to make your emotion creature collage.

Directions - Class #2

Time to make your collage! What is a collage? How do you make one?

  1. Remember which emotion you chose for your collage and collect your painted papers and other colored items (googly eyes, yarn, buttons, etc.)

  1. Choose one paper as the background and the other you will use to cut up and make your emotion creature.

  1. Create a collage of your emotion creature and your word to describe your emotion!