Ideas for creative communication


You can create a mindmap digitally or manually. To create a mindmap digitally, you can use Mindmup Gold

This is a free website which allows you to build mind maps online without registration, and you can also download your mind map in PDF.

To create a mindmap manually, all you need is your clever hands.


Prezi allows you to present your ideas in a more interactive way. By using a map-like overview, you can present the main stages in the life circle, and you can use the zoom in function to talk about the details of these stages in the circle of life.

Click the image below to interact with the presentation

Scripted drama

You may also want to infuse drama in science! In order to do this, within your group, you can have multiple characters, e.g. the pharmaceutical companies, the drug and other roles. After establishing the roles, you can divide the task and write up a script together. Then you are all set to perform.

For example:

(Seromycin enters the scene quietly)

Eli Lily and Co. : I heard you are after my seromycin?

(The Chao centre nodded)

To be continued…

Creating a picture book

Picture books aren’t just for kindy and primary kids. We can seize joy from reading them as well. You can illustrate the circle of life and write some simple sentences below the illustration. Then you have illustrated and written a mini picture book!

Infographic - canva

Create your own on

Comic strip

You can create a comic strip using the software of your choice or paper and pens