Leighton Peters, a seventh grade student from Rice Lake, Wisconsin, was named the 2022-2023 Patriot's Pen first place winner. Her essay on the theme, "My Pledge to Our Veterans" won her a $5,000 award. Leighton was sponsored by VFW Post 2204 and its Auxiliary in Rice Lake, Wisconsin.

Propping the entire nation upon stilts of success requires collaboration and alliance. Regular citizens working with the government, innocent civilians working with the armed forces, and the fortunate helping the needy. This community of selfless, devoted, and allied patriots described is the primary reason that the United States and other countries around the world are functioning. This is what patriotism means to me.

Essay On Patriotism In Hindi

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That sacrifice, that drive to give up parts of ourselves to make our home safer and stronger, is what I believe is at the core of patriotism. Patriotism is the sense of pride and joy that we have in our nation that makes us do whatever we must to protect that nation and everyone in it. It is the idea that we are a part of something greater, and that we must do all that is in our power to preserve that thing for future generations long after we have passed on.

Patriotism is appreciating the things that are done for this country and the people that serve it. It is about being grateful and showing our appreciation for our veterans and active-duty military members who have or are fighting for and alongside our country. Those people sacrifice their life for the citizens of this country and to me, patriotism is all about supporting them just as they support us. Giving them the utmost respect they deserve and honoring them as they are willing to die for our rights, whether you agree or not with what their mission was or is.

In conclusion, patriotism to me is supporting our country by being an active citizen fulfilling responsibilities, understanding the history of the United States of America, appreciating the things done for this country, and honoring our active soldiers and veterans who fight for our rights.

Patriotism is why America leads the world. Men and women have a deep will to work and succeed. This disease is why Neil Armstrong stepped onto uncertain ground. He wanted to show the world that his nation had accomplished something no other had. He took the leap onto the moon to prove his patriotism.

I have examined as best as I can the mental habits which are common to all forms of nationalism. The next thing is to classify those forms, but obviously this cannot be done comprehensively. Nationalism is an enormous subject. The world is tormented by innumerable delusions and hatreds which cut across one another in an extremely complex way, and some of the most sinister of them have not yet impinged on the European consciousness. In this essay I am concerned with nationalism as it occurs among the English intelligentsia. In them, much more than in ordinary English people, it is unmixed with patriotism and can therefore can be studied pure. Below are listed the varieties of nationalism now flourishing among English intellectuals, with such comments as seem to be needed. It is convenient to use three headings, Positive, Transferred and Negative, though some varieties will fit into more than one category:

In the classification I have attempted above, it will seem that I have often exaggerated, oversimplified, made unwarranted assumptions and have left out of account the existence of ordinarily decent motives. This was inevitable, because in this essay I am trying to isolate and identify tendencies which exist in all our minds and pervert our thinking, without necessarily occurring in a pure state or operating continuously. It is important at this point to correct the over-simplified picture which I have been obliged to make. To begin with, one has no right to assume that everyone, or even every intellectual, is infected by nationalism. Secondly, nationalism can be intermittent and limited. An intelligent man may half-succumb to a belief which attracts him but which he knows to be absurd, and he may keep it out of his mind for long periods, only reverting to it in moments of anger or sentimentality, or when he is certain that no important issues are involved. Thirdly, a nationalistic creed may be adopted in good faith from non-nationalistic motives. Fourthly, several kinds of nationalism, even kinds that cancel out, can co-exist in the same person.

Many people in the past have served their countries and even laid their lives for it. Many people still continue to serve their country with as much devotion. Indian freedom fighters were filled with the feeling of patriotism. They did not care about themselves and worked selflessly for the nation. Even today, many people are dedicated towards serving the nation in whatever way they can. However, the feeling of patriotism is slowly fading. The youth today does not feel as strongly for his country as people of the earlier generations felt.

The elderly people must make an effort to instill the feeling of patriotism in their children. Institutions such as schools and colleges must also promote the same. The youth of the country must love and respect the country and work towards building it strong.

In the past, particularly during the British reign, many people came forward to instill the feeling of patriotism among their fellow countrymen. Patriots held meetings, gave lectures and used various other means to inspire the people around them. In the same way, a feeling of patriotism must be instilled in the young generation today too. This must be done when they are still young. Schools and colleges must take initiative to instill children with a feeling of love and respect for their country. Many institutions host functions and organize events on 15th August and 26th January. Patriotic songs are sung and a feeling of patriotism seems to engulf the entire nation around that time. But is this real patriotism? No! Such an atmosphere must be created in general and not just around these special dates. It is then that such a feeling will be instilled in the heart of every citizen forever.

The feeling of patriotism means having the feeling of immense love for ones country. There have been a number of patriots in our country in the past and there are many present today. However, the feeling of patriotism among the people of India could especially be seen during the British reign.

Sarojini Naidu, a famous singer of her times, was also a patriot at heart. She participated in the freedom struggle and contributed her bit towards freeing the country from the British rule. She played a vital role in the Civil Disobedience Movement because of which she even got arrested along with other prominent freedom fighters. She was also arrested during the Quit India movement but this did not dither her feeling of patriotism for her country.

The citizens of India must be inspired to serve the country in whatever way they can. The government, schools and other institutions must take initiative to enlighten the spirit of patriotism among the citizens.

Patriotism is inborn in some while it can be instilled in the others. The feeling of patriotism is required for the betterment and development of a country. It also brings people of a country closer and helps them experience the love and joy of sharing and caring.

Our country is also referred to as our motherland and we must love it the way we love our mother. Those who feel the same love and devotion for their country as they feel for their mother and family are known to be true patriots. Patriotism is a virtue that every individual must possess. A country full of patriots certainly makes a better place to live compared to the one where people are fighting with each other in the name of religion, caste, creed and other issues. A place where people have collective interests and mission would certainly have lesser conflicts. Here is why everyone must possess the virtue of patriotism:

Patriots work selflessly for their country without any individual interest. If everyone possesses the feeling of patriotism and does not think about gratifying his/ her individual interest, there will be benefits certainly to the country.

If political leaders have a feeling of patriotism, they will work for the country unlike the present scenario where in those in power are busy making money for themselves rather than working for the upliftment of the country. Similarly, if the government officials and other citizens of the country are determined towards serving the nation rather than making quick money or getting quick services for themselves, the level of corruption will fall.

There have been several instances in the past wherein chauvinism has resulted in unnecessary conflicts turning into riots. There is a very thin line between patriotism and chauvinism. While patriotism is healthy, chauvinism is fanatic and irrational. People must ensure that their devotion and love towards their country does not turn into chauvinism over the time.

Patriotism is love of country. What kind of love is that? Some defenders of patriotism who want us to love our country use such terms as fatherland and mother country. Such usage seems to indicate that we should love our country as we love our parents. Do they mean that a country is a person and should be loved as a person is loved? Obviously a country is not a person. There is a metaphor involved. If we notice the metaphor, we see that what we are doing when we liken a country to a parent is performing an act of the imagination. More commonly, the metaphor is not understood as a metaphor. Rather, many people just accept the usage as if it were natural and can and should go without examination. They manage to do two contradictory things simultaneously: they know that of course a country is not a person, yet they act with energy on the belief that it is. The metaphor facilitates an exploitable mental confusion.

The brute fact of patriotism is made brute by the inveterate inclination in men to associate virility with the exertion involved in killing and risking death. No theory can ever defeat or discredit this inclination, which helps to engender the fantasy that the competition of political units is the highest kind of team sports. Men love teams, love to live in a world where they are called on to back or play for their team against other teams, even though the sport of war is soaked in blood. Socratic notions of gratitude or Jamesian notions of infinite indebtedness are not necessary for this love. In the sport, where aristocrats used to play their games, elites now mobilize groups or masses to slaughter each other. Men can become peace-loving for a while, but not forever. The women who love them encourage their inclination to see team sports as the essence of their masculinity, and to call patriotic this inclination when it is projected into politics. The pity is that men lend their energies to a state that sooner or later embarks on an inherently unjust imperialist career and thus gets constantly engaged in policies that are deliberated in secrecy, and sustained by secrecy and propaganda, and removed from meaningful public deliberation. Patriotism is indispensable for sustaining this career of anti-democracy. be457b7860

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