ESSA 2024: 5th Workshop on Extreme-Scale Storage and Analysis

To be held on May 27, 2024 in conjunction with IEEE IPDPS 2024, San Francisco, CA, USA 

Workshop Overview

Advances in storage are becoming increasingly critical because workloads on high performance computing (HPC) and cloud systems are producing and consuming more data than ever before, and the situation promises to only increase in future years. Additionally, the last decades have seen relatively few changes in the structure of parallel file systems, and limited interaction between the evolution of parallel file systems, e.g., Lustre, GPFS, and I/O support systems that take advantage of hierarchical storage layers, e.g., node local burst buffers. However, recently the community has seen a large uptick in innovations in storage systems and I/O support software for several reasons:

Our goals in the ESSA Workshop are to bring together expert researchers and developers in data-related areas including storage, I/O, processing and analysis on extreme scale infrastructures including HPC systems, clouds, edge systems or hybrid combinations of those, to discuss advances and possible solutions to the new challenges we face.

Topics and Scope

ESSA 2024 Workshop Organization

Workshop Chairs

Program Chairs

Web Chair

Publicity Chair

Important Dates

Please note: All deadlines are Anywhere on Earth