It looks to me that it works by sending and receiving low level wireless data frames which I presume are analogous to raw (wired) ethernet frames. That makes me think the station limits are artifacts of the library rather than something baked into the hardware? It also makes me wonder if multi station broadcast would in fact work (with ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff as the target address)?

i just discovered a ESP-NOW-Wrapper-library published by user yoursunny on GitHUB. It makes using ESP-NOW much more easier because all the details

about add-peer etc. are encapsulated inside the library

here is the link

Esp_now.h Library Download

Download 🔥 🔥

I donwloaded the code as a zipfile and unzipped it. The folder-structue does not match the rquierments for easy installing with the add-zip-library function of the arduino-IDE.

So I rearranged the folder-structure manually.

If a library shall be accessible withing a standard include-command the library has to stored this way

Once your the MAC address it is time for coding. Make sure all the necessary libraries were installed in your arduino ide. If you are going to do the same example of what I have used, I will give all the library links at the end.

The other libraries are necessary to use the Arduino functions (Arduino.h), and the SPI communication protocol (SPI.h) to be able to communicate with the TFT screen. Also, the libraries for the use of the said TFT screen (Adafruit_ILI9341.h), the graphical function statements (Adafruit_GFX.h), and the "touch screen" (XPT2046_Touchscreen.h) are needed. The last library (Fonts/FreeSans9pt7B.h) contains the bitmap of the fonts or letters.

To use the methods and instructions of both the screen and the touchscreen, an object from each library is implemented. The CS pin is specified as an argument, for the screen additionally the DC pin. The functions of the individual pins have already been explained above.

The code also contains a main() that send back every ESPNOW packet received (it acts like an echo).

If you want to use this code don't forget to turn on the monitor mode on your wireless interface and also tune it to the right channel (because the library can be set-up to use any channel). As a reminder, this is how you do it : 

However, the ESP-NOW protocol is built to wait for an ACK frame after every packet sent. Itensures the reception. And, while the ACK is not received, theESP-NOW library tries to send the same packet over and over again.

By disabling somedefault 'safeties' in the WiFi library, it is possible to change thedata rate directly at the WiFi level (and bypass the default 1 MBpsin the ESPNOW library). Now the data rate can be set up to 54 MBpswhich correspond to a physical sending time of 0.05 ms. To change it, here is what you need to do : 


This project relies on the use of several library components Arduino.h, EEPROM.h, Wire.h, ESP8266WiFi.h, espnow.h, and SSD1306Wire.h, which all need to be included in the Arduino IDE set-up.

Yep, especially Panasonic's control scheme is basically the best there is. Still, ordered R8 + 24-50 STM for 1190 brand new - grey import to UK. One cannon argue with that price + the library of affordable EF primes of which EF 85mm F1.8 USM is possibly my most favourite lense of all time, as I took the most beautiful family and friends portraits with this lens.

To be able to adapt the huge second hand EF library and have them working natively on RF mount, actually even better thanks to more advanced AF technology with focusing plain aligned with sensor plain on mirrorless, that is the biggest incentive why to go Canon and not other mirrorless. The adapter is not bulky at all and quality 3rd party ones, like this one I tested myself , go for peanuts and work flawlessly. The linked one has solid metal build, and even detachable tripod foot for heavier lenses and is weather sealed with a gasket at the mount, thus the combos could be weather sealed.

You have not tried to adapt EF to RF obviously, that is why are you missing the point stating that there there is lack of lenses. Yep, perhaps lack of native lenses, but when you have the biggest library of lenses available of any mount with EF lenses working like native lenses, the paradigm changes, there is no lack of lenses for RF mount, only people who haven't tried to adapt EF can say that. Also to claim the L lenses are low quality, lol. Well some are not perfect, true, while others are just spectacular, EF 135 F2 anyone? Might not be as sharp as RF version but plenty sharp enough and the sheer value when bought used. e24fc04721

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