i saw every single video online about esp,and once again esp is working perfectly like a web server,everything is fine,you connect to it,data shows..requests,at commands..its just working as its supposed to but..when i initialize the SD card reader,then esp stops sending data..and sd is not working aswell.

Problem is likely to be that both cards are enabled at the same time. Others have experienced this problem and done som tricks.

see this one Problem using both SPI library and SD library in Arduino UNO program - Networking, Protocols, and Devices - Arduino Forum #5

Esp8266 Download File To Sd Card

Download Zip 🔥 https://cinurl.com/2y4I4E 🔥

Hello! I have had a problem with implementing a MicroSD card reader to my ESP8266 for a long time. I bought the module in picture below and connected it as follows:

CS -> D8

SCK -> D5

MOSI -> D6

MISO -> D7

VCC -> 3V

GND -> G

Unfortunately, after running the example SD -> Files / ReadWrite

the same message shows "Initializing SD card ... initialization failed!"

. I tried to plug the pins into the S1, SC, SD and S0, but it did not help either. Trying to use other libraries or even buying a new NodeMCU and replacing the microSD card reader with new SD card reader also doesn't help. I have no idea where the problem may be, so I'm asking for help.

I swapped it and it shows same problem.

Could it be my microSD card problem? I bought it last week from the store. It has 16GB and runs good on my PC with adapter microSD->SD. I looked on settings but card is also formated to FAT32.

Ok, i don't know what happend but after compiling this code it somehow worked.

So i decied to compare this code with esp8266 SD "Files" example, and after running this example, it also started working.

I don't know what could be causing this error but it works so far so thank you all for your help

I have same issue. But I couldn't solve it. All of my equipments and components are new. I have ESP8266-12E NodeMCU, Arduino SD card module and 32gb FAT32 SD card. I have did the pin connections but I couldn't store my data to SD card. My friend also have same components and same codes but he could do it. How you solved it?

I tried several pin conifguration to connect nodemcu and micro sd card. However, I had not any luck to successfully connect to sd card. I followed esp8266 forum and some other solution! I need your suggestions :)

In short: You can convert a microSD-to-SD card adapter (that comes with nearly every SD card) into an SDcard interface for your 3.3V microcontroller (e.g. ESP8266, ESP32) without any additional hardware.

The solution is to solder up the microSD-to-SD adapter that comes with almost every microSD card instead.That way, you can remove and write to the microSD card as needed by using a separate (unsoldered)adapter.

There's an obvious confouding factor here: soldering irons are hot, SD cards are made of plastic. I uselead-free solder, which requires a hotter temperature anyway. The technique is then, fairly obviously,get everything lined up perfectly and try to solder as quickly as possible. I am a mediocre soldererand managed to get away with minimal meltage (apparently that is a word!).

The catch is that this will only work without modification on 3.3V microcontrollers like the ESP8266 and ESP32. The Arduino family logic pins are 5V, so you'll need a logic level converter. You can make a logic level conversion circuit if you have theright integrated circuit lying around. That option limits the SD card speed, but that's probably notan issue for most purposes.

It's easy enough to connect up an SD card to the ESP8266 or ESP32 by soldering a few wires. Not sure if thispost is actually useful given the availability of cheap adapters and better looking solutions, but ifyou need an adapter without having many parts on hand or time to wait for a delivery, hopefully thispost might help.

The WDT reset is happening while query is trying to access the datalog. Usually that means there is datalog damage. When did you get this unit? If it was late last year and you have the order number, it could be one of the units with an archaic FAT format on the SDcard. In any event, I would recommend a few things:

The WDT reset is happening while query is trying to access the datalog. Usually that means there is datalog damage. When did you get this unit? If it was late last year and you have the order number, it could be one of the units with an archaic FAT format on the SDcard.

Success! Finally the CardInfo and ReadWrite examples worked! I could initialise an SD card, as well as read and write arbitrary files on that card. I created a quick file format where the first line consists of the number of RGB colour lines in the file; N followed by that many 10 byte lines containing 0-padded strings defining an RGB colour in the format: RRRGGGBBB\n. For example:

Is it possible to use a sim card in another component and connect it to an Esp to be able to send commands to it anywhere you are? like setting up a webpage on a public ip where i can put buttons to interact with the esp.

I've worked with it on Arduino Uno. Now I want to use SD card directly with ESP-12E to read its contents using SPI by doing something like this. Since ESP8266 operates olny on 3.3v, I need SD card to work on this voltage.

I was just wondering, is there actually any interest or new info on the topic of an ESP8266 ISA card? I mean with a desktop PC it is not that big of a deal to use one of the existing serial ports and an external power supply?

I wanted to have an ESP8266 on a laptop which does not have an external serial port even so I have created a PCMCIA card that has a UART and ESP8266 onboard. I am currently using a crystal to do max 460800 baud which seemed to be the limit on the ESP8266 without some software changes. Eventually I would like to look at how to do 1mbaud with the ESP8266, which is the max baud rate the UART I am using can do (with 16mhz crystal). I implemented all the control lines (cts/rts/dtr/dcd etc etc) and tested mainly with Zimodem.

I think it would be near trivial to adapt this to an ISA card, almost simpler. For the PCMCIA I had to deal with the CIS etc so that the card can be configured by the pcmcia host adapter etc. For an ISA card I can get rid of all of that, throw some jumpers on for selecting interrupt/io and do some small modification to the address decoding. As there is no physical form factor constraint that also makes it easier.

I am not trying to sell anything here, if it was worth doing I will share anything I contribute. If I am the only one interested though I think I am happy enough with a PCMCIA card as I actually do most my retro computing with little dos palmtops.

Hi, I was thinking about a different approach, embedding a small WiFi router, which connects to wireless network and converts it to a normal wired ethernet connection. Then that ethernet connection would be internally connected to a regular Ethernet ISA card or PCMCIA card. There are cheap OpenWRT capable modules, like $5 A5-V11 mini router, which could be integrated into such solution. Here is how it would look like:

This PCB New NE2000-compatible ISA network card could be redesigned in such a way that it would be easy to add such WiFi module there, and then you would just need to load a DOS packet driver and be ready to go.

I actually was thinking about doing this also. Initially I was using a "wifi232" module I found which exposes an ethernet PHY, which I was coupling PHY to PHY on a salvaged PCMCIA card for testing. I had some issues and support from the company was not good on debugging the PHY. I purchased some tiny wifi/mini router things and I thought to use them, however it was just getting a bit too hackery and easier just to connect it to ethernet card and use a usb battery.

my thought is, with an esp8266 (or esp32) with 1mbaud to a uart, this would solve the retro modem/telnet bbs task, but also would be decent enough for basic network access, either via SLIP/PPP or what I was going to do is have a special mode to use with a network SHIM so I can get IPX frames on/off the network. 1mbaud is good enough for me.

My family is using this to play white noise soothing sounds for our infant to fall asleep. You could also use this as a WiFi-connected alarm clock, play dog barking as intruder prevention, or anything else where playing an MP3 off an SD card makes sense.

The next tricky part was integrating the buttons. For my project, I wanted each button to be tied to a track on the SD card. When you go to start one track, the other one should stop. To accommodate this, I created two switches and binary sensors.

In this user guide, we will learn how to interface a micro SD card with ESP8266 NodeMCU using the microSD card module or connector and Arduino IDE. This module provides an SPI interface to connect an SD card module with any microcontroller which supports the SPI communication interface. Using a micro SD card becomes very handy for applications where we need to store files or any data.

Additionally, we will learn how to handle files in the microSD card including accessing the microSD card information and reading/writing to a file. Storage data including text, video, audio, CSV, HTML, JavaScript, and CSS files can all be conveniently stored in the microSD card. It is one of the most reliable and practical ways to store data in devices such as mobile phones, laptops, and personal computers. The SD card library provides a convenient way of storing files in the microSD card which will be discussed in later sections of this tutorial.

The microSD card Modules are designed to communicate with the MicroSD cards. These connectors provide the required hardware and pinout to connect SD cards with microcontrollers such as ESP32, Arduino, ESP8266, Raspberry Pi, etc. Although, they are compatible with almost all SD cards which are commonly used in cell phones. But they can handle a maximum of 16GB capacity microSD cards and only 2GB capacity for standard SD cards. e24fc04721

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