ESIDA 2021: Exploratory Search and Interactive Data Analytics

Esida 2021

Welcome to the fourth edition of our workshop on Exploratory Search and Interactive Data Analytics.

This workshop is hosted by ACM IUI 2021, and will take place on April 13, 2021 virtually

Important dates

Submission deadline: December 23, 2020 (midnight Hawaii time)

Acceptance notification: January 31, 2021

Final manuscript due: February 15, 2021

Workshop Topic and Description

The workshop focuses on systems that personalize, summarize and visualize the data for supporting interactive information seeking and information discovery, along with tools that enable user modeling and methods for incorporating the user needs and preferences into both analytics and visualization. Our aim is to bring together researchers and practitioners working on different personalization aspects and applications of exploratory search and interactive data analytics. This will allow us to achieve four goals: (1) propose new strategies for systems that need to convey the rationale behind their decisions or inference, and the sequence of steps that lead to specific (search) results; (2) develop new user modeling and personalization techniques for exploratory search and interactive data analytics; (3) develop a common set of design principles for this type of systems across platforms, contexts, users and applications; (4) develop a set of evaluation metrics for personalization in exploratory search.

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