Eine offizielle E-Scooter-Zulassung besitzen diejenigen Modelle, die entweder ber eine Allgemeine Betriebserlaubnis (ABE) oder eine Einzelbetriebserlaubnis (EBE) verfgen.  E-Scooter, die eine Hchstgeschwindigkeit von 20 km/h erreichen, drfen nur auf Radwegen und ersatzweise auf der Strae fahren.  Die Nutzung eines elektrischen Tretrollers gestattet der Gesetzgeber auch ohne Fahrerlaubnis, nicht jedoch ohne gltige Haftpflichtversicherung.  Wer einen E-Scooter ohne Zulassung im ffentlichen Straenverkehr fhrt, riskiert ein Bugeld von 70 Euro und einen Punkt in Flensburg. 

Besitzt ein Elektro-Tretroller keine Allgemeine Betriebserlaubnis oder eine Einzelbetriebserlaubnis, darf er nicht auf ffentlichen Straen bewegt werden. Wer trotzdem mit dem E-Scooter fhrt und erwischt wird, dem drohen ein Bugeld von 70 Euro und zustzlich ein Punkt in Flensburg. Darber hinaus kann die Polizei das Gefhrt beschlagnahmen.

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The new Advanced Safety e-scooter line is even safer thanks to its standard equipment like: ISO-certified electronic bell, more visible integrated directional arrows and a more precise and efficient double brake lever.

Fr E-Scooter ohne Allgemeine Betriebserlaubnis (ABE) kann eine Einzelbetriebserlaubnis (EBE) beantragt werden. Fr die Straenzulassung sowie eine gltige E-Scooter-Versicherung mssen E-Scooter ber eines dieser Dokumente verfgen.

Um eine Einzelbetriebserlaubnis zu erhalten, muss der elektrische Roller alle Vorgaben erfllen, die die Elektrokleinstfahrzeuge-Verordnung (eKFV) vorsieht. Sollte dies nicht der Fall sein, weil etwa die Hchstgeschwindigkeit von 20 km/h berschritten wird, kann das Fahrzeug nachgerstet werden.

Besitzer von E-Scooter-Modellen ohne ABE mssen also nicht zwingend in einen neuen Roller investieren, wenn sie eine Straenzulassung bentigen. Dennoch kann es sinnvoll sein, sorgfltig abzuwgen, ob es sich lohnt, den eigenen E-Scooter aufwndig umrsten zu lassen, um eine Einzelbetriebserlaubnis zu erhalten. Dies kann bisweilen teurer sein, als ein neues Modell zu kaufen.

Die isinwheel e-scooter sind mit einem Federungssystem und robusten 10-Zoll-Honigwaben-Luftreifen ausgestattet, um Ihnen ein komfortables Fahrerlebnis zu bieten. Mit einer Hchstgeschwindigkeit von bis zu 20 km/h sind sie leicht und einfach zusammenklappbar und ermglichen Ihnen eine bequeme Reiseerfahrung.

Public e-scooter rental trials are set to be extended for another eight months at least, but the ongoing issue of illegal private e-scooters in Britain remains as we enter 2022. Safety concerns are at the forefront of any conversations around e-scooters, which could and should be a revolutionary mode of transport in the UK.

Having previously detailed the challenges and dangers around the increased use of e-scooters in the UK, in this article Lucie Clinch looks at the differences in e-scooter use across Europe and whether lessons can be learned from their positions.

A fatal incident involving an e-scooter and pedestrian in June 2021 lead to restrictions on e-scooter use in Paris from November 2021 onwards. In 700 areas of the city that attract high numbers of pedestrians, including public parks, gardens and tourist areas, e-scooter speeds are limited to 10km/h. Paris e-scooter providers Lime, Tier and Dott restrict speeds once scooters enter designated areas. Authorities are also working on initiatives to resolve the hazard of discarded e-scooters in the city, seeking photos of the parked e-scooter at the end of a rental period, and have given local police more powers to issue fines.

In France any person over age 12 can use an e-scooter, limited to 25km/h. Lights, horn and reflective elements and a helmet are all required by law in France on higher speed roads, but e-scooter users need not possess a valid driving license. E-scooters are not allowed on pavements or country roads.

It remains illegal to ride an e-scooter on the pavement in Denmark and the minimum age for riding an e-scooter without an adult is 15 years old, though they are treated like bicycles in relation to traffic rules. Lights and reflectors are mandatory, but insurance is not unless the e-scooter is part of a rental scheme. The use of helmets only became mandatory on 1 January 2022 and riders now risk a fine if caught without one.

E-scooters are already an extremely prominent part of urban transport in Germany and it seems that the country is streets ahead with e-scooter regulation and legalisation. There are well in excess of 150,000 scooters available for hire, the highest number in Europe, and Germany is currently the only European nation where e-scooters also require a registration plate sticker as an insurance indicator.

As UK legislators consider the path forward for e-scooters, it is evident that lessons can be learned from their European counterparts. Cities such as Copenhagen and Paris have enforced strict regulations on e-scooter use in their most densely populated areas, while also introducing more fines and monitoring by police or task forces. Pedestrian safety must be considered as part of any road rules for e-scooters. That said, the wider use of e-scooters as a viable transport option in European cities may be a sign of where the UK might follow.

Es drfen nur E-Scooter im ffentlichen Verkehrsraum betrieben werden, wenn sie entweder eine Allgemeine Betriebserlaubnis (ABE) oder eine Einzelbetriebserlaubnis des Kraftfahrbundesamtes (KBA) haben. Auerdem bentigt der E-Scooter eine gltige Versicherungsplakette.

Which is why most commuters or general travelers will opt for an electric bike or electric scooter instead. Both are user-friendly and easy for beginners to use, however the sheer portability of the e-scooter makes it a far more popular option than the larger and heavier electric bike.

Belgium has always taken a liberal approach to regulating private e-scooters, and up until March 2022, the laws were relatively relaxed, for example, riders were allowed to use their scooters on sidewalks.

With Paris alone having circa 40,000 e-scooters, it could be beneficial to reduce the number of electric scooter rental schemes to encourage more people to purchase their own scooters. Private e-scooters could result in more responsibility and compliance, but overall, France is still one of the best countries for e-scooter users.

Austria recognizes the difference between electric scooters and alternative motor-driven vehicles like e-bikes and mopeds. Meaning riders can use their e-scooter without a license or insurance, but riders must adhere to the e-scooter regulations.

Story E-Motion is an environmentally friendly electrical scooter (e-scooter). It is intended for transportation of adults and older children. The e-scooter has a top speed of 20 km/h and a max range of 20 km. The scooter can easily be folded and carried along in the bus or train.

The e-scooter is EC-approved and has mandatory front and rear lights as well as reflectors. The e-scooter has a double braking system - an electrically motor brake and a mechanical rear foot brake for emergencies.

Story E-Motion is powered by a strong 300W motor with torque that can pull even heavier riders. The motor is powered by a 6Ah high voltage lithium battery of 36V and yields a max range of 20km on a single charge. A digital display shows your speed and voltage. The battery is charged in approximately 2-4 hours. The e-scooter has three speed modes and can be adjusted to fit your level.

The e-scooter can easily be folded. The folding system is activated when pulling the quick release lever. When folded and closed the scooter takes up very little space and can be brought into trains and busses.

For a long time, many countries had no or only vague regulations for the use of e-scooters on public roads. This led to a lot of uncertainty and a certain Wild West approach to this new form of mobility.

There are now clear rules for electric scooters in almost all countries, some of which are very different. What is permitted in one country may be clearly prohibited in another. This makes it all the more important to know the rules. We take a look at the regulations for e-scooters* in 30 European countries.

There are parking areas for e-scooters at various locations in Helsinki. If you park your rented e-scooter here, you will receive a discount on the rental fee. However, it is still allowed to park on the pavement or cycle path as long as no one is obstructed.

If the e-scooter is intended for the German market, the ABE should be enclosed with the papers. Pay attention to this when buying the e-scooter. If the vehicle does not have an ABE, it cannot be used in road traffic.

In June 2023, the Italian government announced stricter rules for e-scooter riders. In addition to compulsory helmets, liability insurance and a number plate are to become compulsory. Parliament still has to approve the proposed legislation.

In Lithuania, e-scooters are subject to the rules for bicycles in the Road Traffic Act. The country is seeking to introduce new regulations specifically for electric scooters. The first draft laws have already been passed.

The maximum motor power is 250 watts. The maximum length of the e-scooter is 1.50 metres.

Helmets: Wearing a helmet is not compulsory, but highly recommended.

Compulsory equipment:

You can hire e-scooters in some cities. You can ride them on roads (except motorways) and cycle paths. Footpaths are not permitted. You must have a driving licence to hire an e-scooter (a class AM moped licence is sufficient).

Now that the Small Electric Vehicle Ordinance (eKFV) has entered into force, there is now the question of how to handle these vehicles under the German Electrical and Electronic Equipment Act (ElektroG). In principle, this law does not change anything for two-wheeled e-scooters without a seat. They fall within the scope of ElektroG. As a manufacturer or dealer of such vehicles, you are thus obliged to register with Stiftung ear. This applies regardless of the speed range from 6 to 20 kilometres per hour. It is also irrelevant whether or not the scooter is sold, as merely offering it (offering it for sale, renting it out, provision free of charge, etc.) requires registration and application for a WEEE number. Without this, there is a complete ban on distribution. 006ab0faaa

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