Hear our Stories

From our Families and School Teams

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Early Learning

A child in 100 voices:

  • "A child who is non verbal has been trialing an AAC device to participate in class discussions and activities. He has gained confidence and excitement and is able to engage with others, as the device allows him the opportunity to answer questions and be included. Before, teachers and classmates had to guess his message. Now, he has a voice!"

- Classroom Teacher

A child in Kindergarten:

  • "He was initially referred to the AAC team because he was so difficult to understand. Through using the AAC device his speech has become so much clearer - he doesn't even need to use it anymore! The AAC device helped him to become a successful verbal communicator"

- Speech-Language Pathologist


  • A student in grade 1

This student used to have severe behaviour outbursts multiple times per day, at home and at school. When we met with mom to sign the AADL application, she said this device has changed his life - he doesn't get frustrated anymore because now he's able to say what he needs. He's using 4-5 word sentences and currently begging mom for a puppy!

- AAC Team SLP

  • A student in grade 2

"We take our daughter's communication device everywhere with us, to friends' houses, restaurants, and on our recent trip to Calgary. It has made such a difference - now she's able to sit with us, interact with us and tell us what she wants. "

- Mom

  • A student in grade 5

"We've seen such great progress, from the core board to the AAC device. He's talking so much more now, and following more directions. The support from the AAC team has been really amazing."

- Learning Coach

  • A student is grade 6

"He used to attempt to repeat word by word the phrases that were modeled for him. It was so hard for him to communicate! Within a week of his AAC trial, he was putting together 3-4 word sentences, and telling everyone about his weekend! "

- Speech-Language Pathologist

Junior High & High School

A Junior High Student

  • He used to only use his device to request his favourite soft drink. Mom was overjoyed when for the first time ever, he was able to tell her that he felt sick!

- Therapeutic Assistant Speech-Language

  • The Generations Program (students grade 9-12)

"AAC has been so transformative for the students I worked with this year. I had the pleasure to work with a highschool student and family that showed very positive growth. This student went from moving passively through his day to greeting people, actively engaging in routines and initiating jokes with staff. It's never too late to start using AAC.

- Speech-Language Pathologist

A Grade 10 Student:

  • "He has made so much progess using switches to access his AAC system! He has mastered scanning for 8 symbols and is now ready to move on to the next level of scanning - 8 blocks with 3 symbols each!"

- Occupational Therapist

  • A grade 12 student:

"She uses an Accent 1000 and accesses it through a head mouse, which points to the word and activates it. Her device is based on word prediction. She chooses a letter and then can choose from the word prediction options that appear. She can have a conversation or write an essay on a topic, and then it reads out to her listener.

- Assistive Technology Consultant