Low Incidence Team

About Our Team

ECSD children with severe verbal communication challenges from Pre-Kindergarten to Grade 12 can access the highly specialized support of the Low Incidence team that includes a Speech-Language Pathologist, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapist and Therapeutic Assistants.

This team can support a child/student’s need for alternative and/or augmentative communication. A referral for services must be made by the Inclusive Programming Consultant (IPC) and/or the Early Learning Consultant (ELC) in consultation with their school team and the family.

Our AAC service will engage the child/student, families and school team in a comprehensive assessment of student needs to determine an appropriate program plan including technology options for trial. Not all referrals will result in allocation or provision of a speech generating communication device (SGCD).

Once the technology option is chosen all team members will be trained to support successful implementation. A tracking process will be used to monitor and adjust the program plan if required. Family involvement and commitment is paramount to this process as they will ultimately be responsible to sustain their child’s communication success with their SGCD.

Steps for Referral

1. A child/student is identified who may benefit from Augmentative & Alternative Communication

2. The family and the school’s Inclusive Education and/or Early Learning Consultant are contacted to discuss a referral

3. ·The consultant submits the referral it to the Low Incidence Team

4. The school will be contacted by the Low Incidence Team to arrange supports

Our Process


1. The student is observed in their classroom environment

2. An information gathering meeting is booked with the family, school team (and home team) to determine the communication needs of the child/student and if a device trial is appropriate

3. The child/student's communication needs are matched to our devices/programs to determine which communication device(s) to trial


1. The family and school team are trained to use the communication device

2. The device is programmed with meaningful vocabulary for the child/student

3. A plan is created for device use at home and at school

4. The Genesis AAC team partners with the school Speech-Language Pathologist and Occupational Therapist to support device use in the classroom

If a communication device is found to be successful, an application to Alberta Aids to Daily Living is completed to purchase the device for the child/student

Alberta Aids to Daily Living

Through our partnership with Alberta Aids to Daily Living (AADL), funding for Speech Generating Communication Devices (SGCD) can be accessed to purchase systems that can meet the communication needs of our ECSD children and their families.

SGCD Information Sheet February 2020.pdf