The tag_hash_106 HTML element is used to create interactive controls for web-based forms in order to accept data from the user; a wide variety of types of input data and control widgets are available, depending on the device and user agent. The element is one of the most powerful and complex in all of HTML due to the sheer number of combinations of input types and attributes.

The element is so powerful because of its attributes; the type attribute, described with examples above, being the most important. Since every element, regardless of type, is based on the HTMLInputElement interface, they technically share the exact same set of attributes. However, in reality, most attributes have an effect on only a specific subset of input types. In addition, the way some attributes impact an input depends on the input type, impacting different input types in different ways.

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Valid for the image button only, the alt attribute provides alternative text for the image, displaying the value of the attribute if the image src is missing or otherwise fails to load. See the image input type.

(Not a Boolean attribute!) The autocomplete attribute takes as its value a space-separated string that describes what, if any, type of autocomplete functionality the input should provide. A typical implementation of autocomplete recalls previous values entered in the same input field, but more complex forms of autocomplete can exist. For instance, a browser could integrate with a device's contacts list to autocomplete email addresses in an email input field. See autocomplete for permitted values.

The autocomplete attribute is valid on hidden, text, search, url, tel, email, date, month, week, time, datetime-local, number, range, color, and password. This attribute has no effect on input types that do not return numeric or text data, being valid for all input types except checkbox, radio, file, or any of the button types.

Note: Unlike other input controls, a checkboxes and radio buttons value are only included in the submitted data if they are currently checked. If they are, the name and the value(s) of the checked controls are submitted.

Valid for hidden, text, search, url, tel, and email input types, the dirname attribute enables the submission of the directionality of the element. When included, the form control will submit with two name/value pairs: the first being the name and value, and the second being the value of the dirname attribute as the name, with a value of ltr or rtl as set by the browser.

When the form above is submitted, the input cause both the name / value pair of fruit=cherry and the dirname / direction pair of fruit-dir=ltr to be sent. For more information, see the dirname attribute.

A Boolean attribute which, if present, indicates that the user should not be able to interact with the input. Disabled inputs are typically rendered with a dimmer color or using some other form of indication that the field is not available for use.

A string specifying the element with which the input is associated (that is, its form owner). This string's value, if present, must match the id of a element in the same document. If this attribute isn't specified, the element is associated with the nearest containing form, if any.

Global attribute valid for all elements, including all the input types, it defines a unique identifier (ID) which must be unique in the whole document. Its purpose is to identify the element when linking. The value is used as the value of the 's for attribute to link the label with the form control. See .

The value given to the list attribute should be the id of a element located in the same document. The provides a list of predefined values to suggest to the user for this input. Any values in the list that are not compatible with the type are not included in the suggested options. The values provided are suggestions, not requirements: users can select from this predefined list or provide a different value.

Depending on the browser, the user may see a custom color palette suggested, tic marks along a range, or even an input that opens like a but allows for non-listed values. Check out the browser compatibility table for the other input types.

The input will fail constraint validation if the length of the text entered into the field is greater than maxlength UTF-16 code units long. By default, browsers prevent users from entering more characters than allowed by the maxlength attribute. See Client-side validation for more information.

Valid for text, search, url, tel, email, and password, it defines the minimum string length (measured in UTF-16 code units) that the user can enter into the entry field. This must be a non-negative integer value smaller than or equal to the value specified by maxlength. If no minlength is specified, or an invalid value is specified, the input has no minimum length.

The input will fail constraint validation if the length of the text entered into the field is fewer than minlength UTF-16 code units long, preventing form submission. See Client-side validation for more information.

The Boolean multiple attribute, if set, means the user can enter comma separated email addresses in the email widget or can choose more than one file with the file input. See the email and file input type.

Consider the name a required attribute (even though it's not). If an input has no name specified, or name is empty, the input's value is not submitted with the form! (Disabled controls, unchecked radio buttons, unchecked checkboxes, and reset buttons are also not sent.)

When an input element is given a name, that name becomes a property of the owning form element's HTMLFormElement.elements property. If you have an input whose name is set to guest and another whose name is hat-size, the following code can be used:

Warning: Avoid giving form elements a name that corresponds to a built-in property of the form, since you would then override the predefined property or method with this reference to the corresponding input.

Valid for text, search, url, tel, email, and password, the pattern attribute defines a regular expression that the input's value must match in order for the value to pass constraint validation. It must be a valid JavaScript regular expression, as used by the RegExp type, and as documented in our guide on regular expressions; the 'u' flag is specified when compiling the regular expression, so that the pattern is treated as a sequence of Unicode code points, instead of as ASCII. No forward slashes should be specified around the pattern text.

A Boolean attribute which, if present, indicates that the user should not be able to edit the value of the input. The readonly attribute is supported by the text, search, url, tel, email, date, month, week, time, datetime-local, number, and password input types.

required is a Boolean attribute which, if present, indicates that the user must specify a value for the input before the owning form can be submitted. The required attribute is supported by text, search, url, tel, email, date, month, week, time, datetime-local, number, password, checkbox, radio, and file inputs.

Valid for email, password, tel, url, and text, the size attribute specifies how much of the input is shown. Basically creates same result as setting CSS width property with a few specialities. The actual unit of the value depends on the input type. For password and text, it is a number of characters (or em units) with a default value of 20, and for others, it is pixels (or px units). CSS width takes precedence over the size attribute.

Global attribute valid for all elements, including all the input types, an integer attribute indicating if the element can take input focus (is focusable), if it should participate to sequential keyboard navigation. As all input types except for input of type hidden are focusable, this attribute should not be used on form controls, because doing so would require the management of the focus order for all elements within the document with the risk of harming usability and accessibility if done incorrectly.

Global attribute valid for all elements, including all input types, containing a text representing advisory information related to the element it belongs to. Such information can typically, but not necessarily, be presented to the user as a tooltip. The title should NOT be used as the primary explanation of the purpose of the form control. Instead, use the element with a for attribute set to the form control's id attribute. See Labels below.

A string specifying the type of control to render. For example, to create a checkbox, a value of checkbox is used. If omitted (or an unknown value is specified), the input type text is used, creating a plaintext input field.

The input control's value. When specified in the HTML, this is the initial value, and from then on it can be altered or retrieved at any time using JavaScript to access the respective HTMLInputElement object's value property. The value attribute is always optional, though should be considered mandatory for checkbox, radio, and hidden.

The Boolean attribute incremental is a WebKit and Blink extension (so supported by Safari, Opera, Chrome, etc.) which, if present, tells the user agent to process the input as a live search. As the user edits the value of the field, the user agent sends search events to the HTMLInputElement object representing the search box. This allows your code to update the search results in real time as the user edits the search.

Selects the entire content of the element, if the element's content is selectable. For elements with no selectable text content (such as a visual color picker or calendar date input), this method does nothing.

Inputs, being replaced elements, have a few features not applicable to non form elements. There are CSS selectors that can specifically target form controls based on their UI features, also known as UI pseudo-classes. The input element can also be targeted by type with attribute selectors. There are some properties that are especially useful as well. ff782bc1db

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