Just getting to the first Marshall meeting and whenever i talk to her the game goes completely silent without any subtitles. Restarting the game and even console didn't fix this. Should i reinstall the game? My internet isnt the fastest and im hoping to avoid that if possible.

Not just because it stars magnetic British actor David Oyelowo, in a series he reportedly worked more than eight years to get made. But because, as a Black man who loves Westerns, I have been complaining for decades about the need for someone to make a great TV show or film about Reeves, a real person who was among the first African Americans to serve as a deputy U.S. marshal west of the Mississippi.

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John P. Greene, a brother-in-law of Brigham Young, converted to Mormonism in April 1832 and moved with his family to Kirtland in October. From that point on, he spent much of his life traveling as a Mormon missionary throughout the eastern states and Canada. In Kirtland and Far West he served on the high council. In Nauvoo he was city marshal, a member of the city council, and a member of the Council of Fifty. As the marshall he led the possee which destroyed the Nauvoo Expositor press. He died in Nauvoo on September 10, 1844, seven days past his fifty-first birthday.

To his credit, Barr wishes to avoid the bitter partisanship of the "Auk" and "Monty" debate (the "Auk" was General Claude Auchinleck and "Monty" was General Bernard Montgomery) that has raged over the course of time. Rather than dwelling on the debate between these two generals, later Field Marshals, Barr focuses upon the battlefield education of the British Eighth Army from the desperate days of July 1942 to those of triumph between 23 October and 4 November 1942. The Pendulum of War joins the genre of institutional history so ably represented by David French's [End Page 538] study, Raising Churchill's Army (2000). By taking as his subtitle, "The Three Battles of El Alamein," identified as "First" Alamein, Alam Halfa, and "Second" Alamein, Barr does plunge, however, into the historical minefield of battlefield names. He does not accept Correlli Barnett's interpretation that Auchinleck's "first Alamein" in early July 1942 was the "the true turning-point" of the desert war, and not Montgomery's later Battle of El Alamein. Nonetheless, Barr strongly regrets that the historical spotlight has fallen on Montgomery's decisive victory at El Alamein "at the expense" (p. 409) of the earlier fighting in July. He rejects what he terms the popular British "mythology" that Montgomery's appointment to command of the Eighth Army in August 1942 "radically changed the fortunes of Britain's desert army" (p. xxxviii). There is wisdom in the pyramid analogy that every stone must fit into place, and that the top stone depends on all the other stones that make up the middle and the base of the pyramid; Barr's Pendulum of War is an excellent analysis of the middle and base of the Eighth Army pyramid, its organization, methods, and tactics, as well as an examination of the continuity, changes, and improvements that were made in that organization before Monty's arrival in the desert. The critical question then becomes whether the pendulum has swung so far as to dim Montgomery's pivotal role at a time when history held its breath as German Field Marshal Erwin Rommel's Panzerarmee prepared to advance on Cairo, the Suez Canal, and the oil fields of the Middle East. be457b7860

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