Eris Electrical Services

How Can a Level 2 Electrician Help You?

Well, there are specific electrical tasks that only a qualified and certified level 2 electrician in Sydney can carry out. If you end up calling your regular residential electrician for a level 2 electrical task, then they will still have to call a level 2 electrical service provider to execute the task.

If your property is unable to receive electrical power or you need to upgrade your service mains, either overhead or underground, then these tasks have to be accomplished by a level 2 electrician in Sydney.

“Level 2 electricians possess all the requisites needed to physically connect your electrical power to the electrical network and they are authorised by the government.”

Why Call Level 2 Service Provider/ Certified Level 2 Electricians

Here are the instances wherein you’ll require calling a level 2 service provider:

Disconnects and Reconnects

  • Disconnecting and reconnecting to the main power supply, which is connected to service lines can only be performed by a certified level 2 electrician.
  • Besides, if you have services fuses that require being changed, then level 2 electricians can do it and can also move the point of attachment.


  • An electrical meter you must possess before you can start using electricity. The meter lets your electrical service provider measure your consumption. A level 2 electrical service provider can carry out meter removal, installation and upgrades.
  • If your home’s electricity consumption increases, then it may become necessary to upgrade your 1-phase meter to a 3-phase meter.

Moreover, level 2 electricians can install many types of meters including:

Upgrading Switchboard

  • Aged or faulty switchboards can be annoying, as well as, unsafe and cause house fires. A level 2 service provider can remove, relocate, replace and upgrade switchboards.
  • To keep your family and home safe, your switchboard needs to be kept in proper working condition and up to code.

Rectification of Defects

  • A level 2 service provider can provide solutions for defect rectifications, which can save you money and time.
  • Keep in mind that defect rectifications can add a significant amount of costs to your project.

A level 2 service provider can inspect and find out the best possible solution to solve your issues.

Emergency Fixes/Repairs

If you ever come across an emergency wherein you have broken or unsafe cables, metering equipment, switchboards, as well as, defect rectifications or another level 2 electrical issues, then certified level 2 electricians can provide the right fixes/repairs.

Temporary Builders Supply

If you’re building a new property or just revamping your existing home, you may require disconnecting and removing the switchboard. Level 2 electricians can install a new switchboard along with metering, fulfilling all safety and law requirements, for a temporary or permanent power pole.

Pole Replacement & Installation

  • It’s imperative to check your poles at regular intervals to ensure there are no damages.
  • Specifically, you need to look for termite infestation, cracks, damaged wires, rotting wood, leaning or hanging low.

A level 2 service provider is authorised to install new power poles or temporary poles or replace existing damaged ones.

Final Words

Those are the critical electrical issues that demand the services of a certified level 2 electrician. Moreover, level 2 service providers also perform all underground and overhead electrical tasks.

So, now you know whom to call when you want to remove a damaged pole and install a new one, or need installing a new electric meter. Yes, you need to call in a level 2 service provider.

Eris Electrical Services Gallery

Overhead Power Lines

Power Pole Installation

Tiger Tails

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Reasons for Hiring Certified Level 2 Electricians
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Eris Electrical Services - Level 2 Electrician Sydney