
Platform: PC (WebGL)

Engine: Unity

Team Size: 3

Project Duration: 5 Weeks

Playtime: 10 Minutes

Build: itch.io 

Game designer

Designed the main ON/OFF mechanic, designed and iterated on five levels focusing on the binary state change

Additional Responsibilities


Scripted the core movement and menu systems on Unity/C#


Created and animated the player character and other assets


Iteration- Level 4

Version 1- Jumping Between Elevators

Version 2- No More Freefall

Final Version- Polish & Balancing

Iteration- Level 5

Version 1- There and Back

Version 2- "Spiced Up"

Final Version- Polish


For the time spent and the number of people involved, this project was smooth from start to finish. 

+High polish, with frequent iteration cycles and feedback-driven team environment- more communication meant more opportunities to find problems.

+Lots of technical implementation work done by me- understanding how things work allowed me to design around that, and vice versa. 

+Doing art made me think about visual design from a game design standpoint- I was able to communicate better through ways other than game design.

-I wish we did a bit more levels- such an interesting concept for just 5 levels!

The very first diagram I drew for the game, made before the first team meeting. The core foundation of the game was already there.