Erb's Palsy Lawyer Spring Hill, IN - Hoosier Injury Attorneys

Erb's Palsy Lawyer Spring Hill, IN - Hoosier Injury Attorneys - (463) 234-7767 

Hoosier Injury Attorneys' experienced Erb's Palsy Lawyer Spring Hill, IN assists those who have been harmed by medical malpractice. Hoosier Injury Attorney offers quality legal services to people who have Erb's Palsy. We are highly skilled and experienced. We know how to maximize your compensation and get you the benefits you deserve. Call us right away! Hoosier Injury Attorneys Spring Hill, IN

Hoosier Injury Attorneys

Erb's Palsy Lawyer Spring Hill, IN

3500 Depauw Blvd 1110 18

Indianapolis, IN 46268

(463) 234-7767

What is Erb's Palsy?

Erb's palsy is a birth injury that affects an infant’s arm and shoulder. It results in temporary or permanent paralysis. The injury is commonly caused by a lack of oxygen during birth. The brachial plexus is made up of nerves that extend from the spinal cord to the shoulders and arms. This nerve bundle is called the brachial plexus. When an infant is born, there is a short period of time in which the baby must be delivered. This is known as the second stage of labor. During this stage, the infant’s head may have to be rotated to deliver the shoulders. If this occurs, pressure can be applied to the brachial plexus causing damage. Erb’s palsy is a form of birth injury that occurs when an infant’s brachial plexus is compressed or squeezed during the delivery process. Erb’s palsy can occur at any time, but it is most common in newborns. Because the injury affects the area between the neck and shoulder, it causes weakness in the arm and shoulder. In some cases, this injury may be permanent. Erb’s palsy occurs most frequently in babies who are delivered via cesarean section. In these cases, the surgeon may use traction to assist in delivery. This is when the arm is pulled back to prevent the baby from falling to the ground. The traction that is used during cesarean section delivery can damage the brachial plexus and cause Erb’s palsy.

Why do I need a erb,s palsy lawyer?

It is estimated that approximately 4,000 infants are born each year with Erb’s palsy. This condition occurs when the brachial plexus is damaged during delivery. The brachial plexus is a network of nerves that control the movement of the arm. Erb’s palsy is a common birth injury and occurs when the nerves that control the arm are severed or compressed. The condition can result in the loss of feeling and movement in the arm. It can also result in paralysis. Erb’s palsy is caused by several factors, including delivery complications, macrosomia, birth trauma, and fetal distress. The severity of the injury depends on many factors, including the position of the baby at birth, the amount of force used to deliver the baby, and whether the baby is in the breech position.

At Hoosier Injury Attorneys Spring Hill Indiana, our experienced birth injury lawyers are ready to provide you with a thorough review of your case and help you understand the legal process involved in filing a birth injury lawsuit. Our birth injury attorneys have the knowledge, experience and resources needed to ensure that you get the compensation you deserve. We want to help you recover damages for the injuries you sustained and take a stand for those who cannot. Our birth injury lawyers will answer all of your questions and concerns and give you the information you need to make an informed decision about your next steps. Contact us today for a free consultation.

What Are the Legal Options for Parents of a Child Suffering from Erb's Palsy? 

For parents of a child suffering from Erb’s palsy, there is a possibility of filing a lawsuit against the doctor responsible for the child’s birth. It is important to understand the legal options available to you as well as the benefits of pursuing legal action in order to determine the best course of action for your family. Brachial plexus injuries occur when the nerves of the arm and shoulder are stretched or pulled during childbirth. The injury is often caused by a combination of factors, including prolonged labor, birth complications, or forceps or vacuum extraction delivery. Brachial plexus injuries can occur during the first stage of labor, as well as the second stage. If the injury is severe, the doctor may recommend that the baby be delivered by cesarean section to prevent further nerve damage. In some cases, surgery is not required. 

There are no guarantees that a lawsuit will result in a favorable outcome. However, there are many reasons to file a lawsuit against the doctor responsible for your child’s injury. These include the following: compensation – A lawsuit can result in compensation for the physical pain and mental anguish experienced by the child and the family. Compensation can also be awarded for future medical bills, therapy costs, lost wages and any other expenses associated with the injury. It is important to consult with an experienced attorney when determining whether or not to pursue legal action. The Hoosier Injury Attorneys at Hoosier Law Group have a proven track record of success in filing lawsuits on behalf of injured children. If you believe that your child was injured due to medical negligence, please contact us today.