Erb's Palsy Lawyer Lawrence, IN - Hoosier Injury Attorneys

Erb's Palsy Lawyer Lawrence, IN - Hoosier Injury Attorneys

At Hoosier Injury Attorneys, our Erb's Palsy Lawyer Lawrence, IN help those who have suffered a nerve injury as a result of an injury to the neck. Our skilled and experienced Indianapolis Erb's Palsy Lawyers are here to assist you if you suffered nerve damage in your arm after a work related injury. If you have been injured, call us now for a free case consultation. Hoosier Injury Attorneys Lawrence, IN

Hoosier Injury Attorneys

Erb's Palsy Lawyer Lawrence, IN

5625 Sunnyside Rd #14

Indianapolis, IN 46235

(463) 234-7774

What is Erb's palsy? 

Erb's palsy is the result of an injury that occurs during childbirth. It is named after the physician who first described it in 1878. Erb's palsy is caused by injury to the brachial plexus. The brachial plexus is the network of nerves that run from the neck down to the arms and hands. It is made up of many nerves that connect the upper extremity with the trunk of the body. The most common brachial plexus injury is known as Erb's palsy and results in temporary or permanent paralysis. Brachial plexus injuries can occur during delivery or during a c-section. An injury can occur when the baby’s arm is delivered by forceps or vacuum extraction or when the baby is delivered by C-section. 

Brachial plexus injuries are typically caused by negligence during delivery. It is important to understand that Erb's palsy is a birth injury and can only be the result of medical negligence. This means that the injury must have been caused by an act or omission on the part of a healthcare provider. If you were born with Erb's palsy and you are wondering if you can pursue a claim for medical malpractice, it is very important to consult with a birth injury attorney. At Hoosier Injury Attorneys, our Erb's Palsy Lawyer team of experts will answer any questions you have about your case. We will provide you with honest and unbiased advice so you can make an informed decision about whether to pursue a medical malpractice claim. At Hoosier Injury Attorneys, we work on a contingency fee basis. This means that you don’t pay us unless we win. We believe that this approach is best for our clients and it allows us to focus solely on your case.

Is it possible to sue for Erb’s palsy? 

It’s certainly possible to pursue an Erb’s palsy lawsuit. The question is whether you should. Erb’s palsy is a birth injury that is caused when a baby is born with their brachial plexus out of place. In other words, the baby’s nerves don’t connect properly, causing temporary or permanent paralysis. The injury can occur during a vaginal birth or a c-section. Erb’s palsy is a common birth injury and it can happen to any baby. There are many causes of Erb’s palsy, including medical malpractice, birth trauma, and obstetrical negligence. Because there are so many possible causes of Erb’s palsy, it is often difficult to pinpoint what caused it.

If you think you may have been injured in a birth injury accident, contact an experienced birth injury lawyer right away. You have time to pursue an Erb’s palsy lawsuit. In fact, the longer you wait to file a birth injury claim, the more difficult it will be to prove liability and collect damages. At Hoosier Injury Attorneys Lawrence IN, we have helped injured babies just like yours receive the compensation they deserve. Our birth injury lawyers work on a contingency fee basis, which means we don’t charge your family unless we win. Call us today to learn more about the process and to schedule a free consultation.

When Should I Consult An Attorney About Erb’s Palsy? 

If your newborn baby suffers from Erb’s palsy, you may wonder when you should consult a personal injury lawyer. Unfortunately, Erb’s palsy is not as common as some other birth injuries and therefore, there are not many resources to help parents understand what this injury entails. Most people don’t know that babies who suffer from Erb’s palsy are not born with it. It develops during labor and birth. It usually occurs after a baby is delivered from a vaginal or cesarean section delivery. After the delivery, the doctor pulls on the baby’s arm to see if it is attached to the body. Sometimes the doctor accidentally pulls too hard and tears off part of the brachial plexus nerve. This is where the brachial plexus nerve runs from the neck down the arm and connects the nerves that control the hand and fingers. The nerve can be torn in many different places. If this happens, a baby may have Erb’s palsy. The nerve is usually repaired when the baby is six weeks old but it is not always fixed. Some babies develop complications and require physical therapy to help improve their range of motion. If you suspect that your baby may have Erb’s palsy, you should seek medical help as soon as possible.